Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp – January 16 – 26

Characteristics: Aquarius Cusp

01. Capricorn/Aquarius cusps are involved with and interested in social institutions. They want to make them work as they were meant to work.

02. They are humanitarians and philanthropists, the visionaries of the Zodiac.

03. Friendship is important to them, and they have many acquaintances, in addition to their close friends.

04. These people are also ambitious and disciplined, determined and dedicated to achieving their goals. They are practical, realistic and cautious not to get in over their heads.

05. Capricorn/Aquarians work hard to bring their ideas to fruition, stubbornly refusing to give up their causes. This may appear as a Capricorn trait, but it is actually representative of the fixed quality of Aquarius.

06. The cardinal quality of Capricorn is seen in their ambition and their willingness to embark on new projects. These people are independent and individualistic, within the world but detached from it. While they are peace-loving and friendly, they can be narrow-minded and overcritical of those not as ambitious as they are.

07. Saturn is about discipline, hard work and responsibility. It rules both Capricorn and Aquarius; Capricorn is the feminine, or night aspect, and Aquarius is the masculine, or day aspect. Both signs are concerned with achieving goals through hard work, but Aquarians work hard to achieve their visions, while Capricorns use hard work to gain authority and social status.

08. Some Aquarians have genius that borders on insanity, and their progressive ideas and association with anything that is different makes them dissimilar from Capricorn. Although Capricorn/Aquarians are powerfully influenced by both Uranus and Saturn. Those born on this cusp are both unpredictable and unconventional, while being interested in upholding tradition and conservative belief systems.

09. This cusp are tolerant and broad-minded, they tend to stick to their beliefs. Their intellect makes them logical and self-confident, but it may also make them aloof from the people around them. They are original, offbeat and even eccentric, but they are also rather bored by detail.

10. They are often business-oriented and can be extremely scrupulous. Reformist and experimental, they may also seem cold toward anyone who doesn’t share their intellectual orientation to life.

11. Capricorn/Aquarians are among the responsible and traditional sign combinations. They are generally reserved, careful and stable.

12. Sometimes they may be overly critical, even bossy, but this is because they have a strong desire to achieve their goals, not because they are rude. In fact, they are generally polite because they understand that making enemies will not help them achieve anything in life.

13. They tend to be multitalented, both in scientific and creative endeavors.

14. They are unique and rebellious, driven to change the world. Their freedom is important to them, and they are often driven to help others become free as well.

15. They are quite the social animals and often have a fondness for conversation, as long as it has intellectual depth and meaning.

16. The great strength of the Capricorn/Aquarius is in their ability to set goals and keep working until they achieve them. Their ambition is inexhaustible, and they are not easily deterred when their goals are in sight.

17. Their visionary nature makes them people who take the world to the next level; they make others see things in a new light.

18. Their ability to break the rules and move beyond what others think is possible makes them one of the most innovative and hard working characters of the zodiac.


Cardinal Earth & Fixed Air a water carrier with thunder & lightening. Saturn & Uranus must work together to make this work. At first glance they seem to be a threat to each other with Uranus threatening the structures of Saturn whose rings say “pass not,” the walls of civilization, protection from the elements, guidelines and dogmas which have stood the test of time we are supposed to be able to count on. If you happen to be in prison you will be glad to have Uranus find a way out. If you are so fenced in you can’t breath Aquarius is a real breath of fresh air. If you go far enough to get lost you will look for something Saturn provides, protection you can lean against, a resting place.
When you come home to Capricorn you can expect a very uncomfortable lecture about how foolish you were to run away but you will find enough shelter to rest until you are ready to take off again. As for Saturn & Uranus, they make way for our evolution when the structure no longer fits our increased awareness of something else which just doesn’t fit the structure we have become accustomed to. I like the example of the chicken hatching from the egg shell ruled by Saturn. The life of the chicken depends on the shell breaking at just the right time. If it breaks too soon, the chicken will not survive. If it fails to break when the chicken is ready to step out, the chicken would not survive. As soon as the chicken is able to survive outside the shell Saturn takes over the structure and the boundaries which identify the chicken as a chicken. This applies to
civilizations as well. Too many times we have allowed the civilization to fail and had to start over. I believe we will be able to survive this transformation this time.

In order for the individual to be comfortable with this cusp they must be able to enjoy the learning process, the journey through life without being thrown off balance by even major changes that are unavoidable. Nothing happens to us that doesn’t have some benefit if we could recognize the benefit. You may surprise your acquaintances by being “gung ho” at one minute and turn back at the next.
You love your freedom and are willing to make changes but you also recognize a need for security. The better able you are to keep a balance which does not overly limit your freedom and yet maintain your security the better you will be able to live on this edge.


About Identity

Big Idea! is all about joining creative forces to create art, beauty, and expression. Specially Networking with talented people to produce long-term relationships and to manifest many big ideas.

Posted on September 3, 2008, in Aquarius, Capricorn, Cusp and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 198 Comments.

  1. this preety much sums me up … 19/jan/86

  2. yep! 19th jan 1990

  3. january 16th fits me

  4. Sums my total personality.. not in terms of being multitalented.. cos I am absolutely not

  5. 19/jan/82

    Anyone with my birthday, do you ever feel like you have no weaknesses? Almost like you are completely numb and can do or be or get along with anyone and anything because of it? Are any of you truly TRULY inlove to where you would just die if that person left you? I think I can’t feel anything. I always have to win and I always have to move forward and am always thinking of ways to better myself. I also wonder if I’m even in dealing with reality very well because I’m so flighty. I’m not sure if it’s due to my past or just who I am…

  6. oh honey. my friend has his birthday on the 18th! i am so glad I stumbled by this message. I hope that you read it 🙂 anyways. he had the same problem. he went through ALOT ALOT of psychotic, seemingly unliveable situations when he was younger. He eventually grew up and realized that he had to be a man. To prove himself everwhere that he went. Long story short, he became that way too. Numb. Cold toward everyone. He had this obsession with winning at any cost. Well. He ended up figuring out that it was due to alot of pain that he was storing within his heart. He didn’t want to admit it. Nor face it. Due to my help, he opened it all up. Let it out. It was painful and scary but that is what it takes. He is now free from it all. A healthy human being able to live to his fullest potential.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  7. 19/Jan/87
    It’s really scary how right this is…I’m confident yet flighty…I’ve never been in love and doubt I ever will be– weather it be because of my past or who I am. Makes me wonder if everything is pre-determined to some extent. Maybe Capricorn/Aquarius cusps are supposed to have shitty upbringings. Maybe they’re supposed to overcome it someday. I hope I do because being surrounded by so many friends/aquaintences yet feeling so alone is cool but it kinda sucks at the same time.

  8. i am super confused with who i am. i am jan 18 1985. i fall in love with aries. i am so lost.

  9. I am January 18 and I absolutely fall in love and people fall in love with me! I don’t seem to have a problem with people loving me but I feel like I don’t even know who the real “me” is! I’m nice and friendly and I love people. I laugh at myself and I’m too social. However, I don’t have a talent and I can’t seem to find my ambition! I feel like I’m confident yet so insecure….I wonder if this is normal?? =/ Great to see all of my fellow cusps out there!!!! Stay strong!

  10. just about sums me up.jan19th. i dont fall in love easily, too independent and always think i can do better!.am a bit zany but do uphold the traditional as i believe it keeps us in touch with finer priciple in life. i speak my mind, can be brutal but have tons of friends who seem to appreciate the honesty.have made many mistakes but believe these are lifes lessons and i have learnt much about myself in the process. i just love life.

  11. I am born January 19th and in my early 30s. I am extremely perceptive of my surroundings and superficial with others. I have a hard time trusting others. Falling for a person is harsh for me because if I have feelings for them and they fail me, I fall hard. Knowing this, I run away from personal relationship as soon as i feel my toes lifted off my grounding and my toes tipped for taking off.

  12. To whiterabbit87,

    I have felt the numbness since I can remember even when surrounded by family that loves me. I thought it was “growing pains” and I would move out, move in, and fill in all the gaps, get a career going, fall in love, have children, maintain family, all gaps filled. Wrong. Married at 21, short lasted marriage, no children, think it was love, felt numb and alone when I was happily married and when I left the marriage. The loneliness and numbness is an inner struggle that we need to figure out how to fill in on our own. If we are not complete, we are incapable of complementing another in a relationship.

  13. this truly fits me to a tee imjan 21st 1980


  15. 1/17/76… Yeah… this is definitely me!

  16. odd. Sounds alot like me; near insane and real OUT there but i like simplicity and tradition at the same time. I’ve never heard of this Aquarius/capricorn cusp, but i found it suits me so much more than just plain Aquarius. Its 22 Jan. by the way.


  17. 19 Jan 70 female – Pretty much sounds like me too. It’s taken a long time to rectify and live with the two contradictory sides of my personality – the Cap goes out and earns the money and studies for the degrees – the Aquarius spends it on a night out and the remaining dollars on the homeless guy on the way home (earnt and spent a fortune, I swear). It’s interesting the ‘numbness’ that many of the people here feel. I understand that as well and feel it’s more of an aloofness and at times like I’m watching the specimens in a jar. It’s not that I don’t care it’s just that some people just don’t move me and tears and drama remove me even more. Saying that I’ve had a very happy upbringing, am very happily married with two children and have feel incredibly alive. I love how people respond to this cusp we’re all on – it’s just magnetic and a bit…woah slow down there, sunshine! You don’t have to fall in love all at once, though it is nice of you. BTW I do believe our egos are bloody enormous. Well, we are pretty wonderful 😉

  18. Greg Carella

    iam 1/18/81 and everything they described was very true to some extent. The only thing was if you would of asked me five years ago i probably wouldn’t of related to well to these descriptions but now after everything i have been through these characteristics have been showing more and more. The sense of purpose and urgency to change things is apparent in everything i do now, its crazy how accurate this can be.

  19. i stumbled up on this site and it was a wonderful discovery. I have not met anyone with my birthday or any cap Aquarius cusp. what struck me was the mention of child hood. Has everyone had a less than happy child hood, to put it very mildly. And i also was in love with a Aries which we all not is not a good match. I feel like i have found a new family thanks for your comments and insight.

  20. i always thought there was something wrong with me probably triggered from my ‘bad childhood’ however reading this i feel like its not from my childhood its just who I am, it is weird i always feel like i need to prove myself in someway i feel like the worst thing in the world is to show vulnerability and i demand respect from everyone, i also have huge trust issues and finding people unloyal who i thought were not hurts me so much. i seem numb as well, i am sensitive when it comes to people talking down to me and not liking me, but i could care less about hurting someones feelings or not having a relationship w my mom. im very quarky and have a great personallity but its weird because i feel like i live a 2nd life, my friends at school would never knwo me to analyze EVERYTHING and know that im always irritated. when i was younger i was a huge rebel and very laid back now i find myself very alert of what people are thinking of me. anyone else knowwwww where im comin from???!email me if u knwo waht im talkiing about haha

  21. 19.01.87 I agree with a lot of this. I feel alone a lot of the time, but when I go out I see a lot of people I know. I’m not very sociable, but when I am I go crazy and I love it. I am also self conscious about what people think of me, but there are also other times when I couldnt give a damn. I feel I am quiet and anxious, but other times confident and loud. so many paradoxes! By the way, my partner is also on the capricorn/aquarius cusp. Does anyone know if this is supposed to be good?

  22. My gf is a cusp, 19th Jan. Perfectly accurate on all counts and on the dot for the description.

  23. Jan. 20. 1981. yep that is me!!

  24. 1.16.83

    # 8, 9, & 12 are super on point 4 me!!

  25. It seems like a lot of us cuspers are going through something really strange. Jan 18th here and I feel numb most of the time when I never used to. I feel like I am waiting for something fundamentally different to happen to change this and to help me engage with life again, but I also feel society is a mess and needs spiritually sorting out. The Aquarian creativity and impatience against Capricorn restraint is unbearable, yet I am also annoyed when the beauty of the old is washed away without a bye your leave. I have loads of friends from all walks of life, but find it difficult to find one person to relate to as a lover – I’m too independent. I’ve heard this cusp is the wizerd sign, so ofetn I get frustrated when I wish for things and they take a while coming. However, deep down I do know the Universe does look after us. Also, my sex drive is strong, unihibited but erratic. I live in the future or the past and find it a challenge in the present. Anyone else experience these things?

  26. 19870120 – Wow!.. Thats a LOT of people that feel the exact same way I do. I feel like in some kind of time warp by just reading all of the comments, and do feel exactly like a LOT of the things all of you have said. MCL to all the fellow Cap/Aqu Cusps! =D

  27. My birthday is Jan 4th, but this COMPLETELY describes me! The NUMBNESS everyone is speaking of is a ‘wall’ and a ‘defense mechanism’ the Capricorns inadvertently build up against the pain and fear of ‘broken hearts.’ You see, when we Caps let someone into our hearts, we love deep and the recipients of our love NEVER leave our hearts…they’re there FOREVER! That’s why we become numb to most people and extremely careful with who we let into our core, because the wrong person can reek havoc on our emotional psyche. However, zodiac sign, or not, we are human beings, built to learn and grow. So, although you maybe cold and ‘numb’, you do not have to stay that way…you can learn to work ‘against’ it. It won’t be easy…like shooting a ball into a hoop, you may not get it right away, but eventually you’ll ‘score.’ You can score more feelings where the numbness used to be. It requires patience, dedication and some psychological knowledge of yourself, past & present. xoxo

  28. ying-yang. The balance comes with experience. Read up on your 2012 notes…we are the gatekeepers of the next sun. Blessings All.

  29. jan20,1992..!

  30. amazing I feel the same way….. hahaha its amazing

  31. 1/22/91
    This really does a great job at describing a few bits of me. I understand where everyone is coming from on the aloofness- sometimes its good but I hate when I feel myself putting up that wall to people and putting them through that microscope if I can trust them with my internal thoughts and emotions. Sometimes categorizing the people I meet and how they relate to me. We are all very sensitive internally but other people’s emotions push or even scare us away. I don’t know if anyone else feels this way but I know I find myself being too much of a deep thinker and over analyzing situations constantly. But all in all this is a beautiful life and I’m so happy I’ve stumbled upon this understanding with others who are on the cusp. We all figure it out sooner or later :)Blessings and happiness to all.

  32. this is true right here im 19 now but feel like i have a bigger pupose in life. it’s like i have two sides in me a good 1 and a bad 1. i’ll weigh every 1 in my head then i’ll react depending on which side you deserve most. kind of like a beam balance adding up the weigh then i’ll let everything take it’s place. i also like to let things flow and will never lose if i don’t feel like i have to. m kinda paranoid and think i need to go to an asylum for a while.anyone got a better idea please do share.peace

  33. Ok Im glad im not the only one, for a while I thought I was nuts and I needed some professional help. I am turning 16 and i have locked my self away from everyone else for nearly 7 years now. I have friends but none that I would be sad if I lot them. I do know that I feel best when i am around another aqui/cap cusp. It is strange but when I am around people who are happy I feel numb or when i am alone thinking I feel like I am waiting for something does anyone else feel that way???? another thing has anyone found out that when you are around another aqui/cap cusp you seem to be going through the same thing or feel the same way?

  34. hello i dated a cap/aquarius cusper for several years, loved him but could never get to open up. he was distant often and unemotional but quirky and unpredictable. it was exhausting. good heart though. i am aries by the way as well. not sure if aries are drawn to you all or vice versa, but i wasted a lot of years tyring to get this person to open up. my advice to you all is to pray. signs are one thing, but God is above everything.

  35. p.s – are any of you happy? and not numb/aloof or checked out

  36. Hello, am stunned by your comments… son is Jan 21st, matches what you’re writing here to a tee! he’s very nervous and dissatisfied with his life recently, for no apparent reason. Awfully ambitious, hates the smallest criticism, very altruistic (even though his ego is unimaginably strong). But what is unbelievable is that the other day, as we were talking about his problems with himself, he told me “Don’t you understand, I’m numb inside, I cannot find my self”. How I wish I could help him! His childhood was happy, a loved and pampered child, but he is turning into a hurt, distant person now that he’s 22. And I can’t find the reason

  37. You have just discribes everything about me, only thing is that i am born on the 15th Jan.

  38. I forgot to mension the quality of these two stars cusp has got me now owning 12 companies successfully :). On the other hand, i can never seem to keep a love relationship long term, i get bored easily…Not cool for me 😦

  39. 18/ 01/ 76

    So Very True , I’m getting more insight into my personality the older I get. I can’t say I’m growing up . I don’t think I ever will or really want to. I am understanding my strengths and weaknesses better than ever before and enjoying the things I’m great at.
    I enjoy being around other cap – aqu cusps but cannot sustain a love relationship with them. The sort of fleeting friendships I have had with these others have been immature, hysterical (the sort of laughter that actually cripples you) verging on petty crime. I probably don’t need someone to encourage me to misbehave, I’m better with a grounded friend, most likely for my own good! I am curious if this would be repeated again. I find I easily lead people into my creative visions and I do get frustrated when people don’t get me or are less tolerant than me.
    That happen to other Jan 18thers?

  40. wow, my birthday is 1/26/89, I’m barely on the cusp, but this fits me to a tee. I’m happy to hear that I’m not the only one that has a hard fully becoming emotionally involved. I’ve loved, but it’s hard for me to put other’s in front of my passions and aspirations. I’m still flabbergasted at how accurate that was. I also find myself getting annoyed at those who cannot seem to follow a schedule or do what they said they were going to do. Geez, well happy early birthday to all of my cap/aqu cusp babies. May 2011 bless you and your loved ones.

  41. My birhtday is 1/22/83~A lot of this describes me, some doesn’t, I like what cloudpanda said~Way out there, feel insane at times, but traditional and simple at the same time…know the drive is there, but can’t find ambition…extremely smart, but others don’t get it…two close friends, lots of aquaintences, a loving husband who says I drive him crazy~he is Sagitarrius….who knows? But I do enjoy being me 🙂

  42. I’m extremely happy, learning to live and let live. I came to the understanding that many do not understand us, but there is no need to hold that against anyone. We are all so quirky and unique. I struggled for so long feeling aloof and confused about life. We just have to be us and spread our wisdom and understanding to people and let people share theirs to us. I know everyone will have a moment in their lives where they just understand. I know I sound crazy but when you find that moment and that feeling you just have to hold onto it or our unpredictable ways of thinking have the possibility to get the best of us. We tend to over-analyze but in all the thinking just remember to live.:)

  43. Our unpredictable thinking is one of our best attributes but sometimes they just take us down to a dark place (to clear any confusion about what I meant). 🙂

  44. totally me. 1/19/94

  45. I feel like I am constantly battling with myself. I am experienced enough now my in life that I recognize my need to wear a different persona in public. I also fear that I may be schizophrenic! I am definitely spontaneous and find it hard to stand still. I know I’m intelligent, but find myself so self-critical that often times I’m numb and nothing gets accomplished. This inner battle has been a long haul and very frustrating. I’m an artisan, in that I challenge myself creatively. I paint, sculpt, create new and innovative ways to express myself, but always feel like only half of me participated. I relish the moments when I’m so focused that the world disappears! At the age of 43, I’ve learned to adjust to my bi-polar issues, although I’ve never sought help. Too arrogant for such nonsense! I am arrogant, yet extremely empathetic and compassionate. There really are two sides to us! I also was most content (about 15 years ago) when I worked with several Caps! I thought it uncanny, but we totaled more than half of the staff! Even weirder…is that 3 other employees shared my same birthdate (January 17). My personality is a curse and a blessing. If you’re curious, (of course you are!) we were all working in a restaurant. I am currently enrolled in college (again) and pursuing a degree that probably isn’t the best fit (radiology). Why? I have no idea. It’s my other half’s decision. Personally, I’d rather be painting, but my other “half” seems to be more focused on making money, stability, and being responsible! Go figure. Nice to know there are others as quirky as I. Good luck comrades!

  46. I’m born on the 23rd of January, and honestly, reading about this “numbness” doesn’t make sense to me. It doesn’t feel numb, it feels… cold. Like, you may be watching and thinking “Oh, this is happening, but I don’t feel it”, but I’m pretty sure every single Capriquarius is very aware when we’re panicking, no?

    I don’t think Capriquariuses are destined to have a bad childhood. I believe that with the Capricorn’s sensitivity and Aquarius’ infallible memory, we probably hold grudges deeper. Let it go. Life is meant to be lived, not to count each and every wrong. 🙂

  47. Oh wow! Im born on January 19 1990 and have also suffered from a difficult upbringing… Its kinda neat/weird to find find that most people born around my date also suffered. Its kinda like a bond between us all (even if its slightly morbid):)

  48. 17th january, 1993

    it was not until this year , that i really feel dissapointed and the feeling of underperformance is hung so deep within thats it very difficult to move forward. i have been struggling all along. but i am really optimistic about future . hehe ! 🙂

  49. generally a lot like me. right now im trying to overcome extreme procrastination though.. it sucks. for some reason i take failures hard. 19/jan/94

  50. and im a big perfectionist. anyone else?

  51. I was born 1/25/87, so I barely made it on the cusp. I sometimes question alot of things, rather than feeling numb… though I do feel it. I’ve also had people told me I’m hysterical, or I clash too much with myself, personality wise. One day I’m quiet and working hard because I want to get to my goals. When I am done, then I seem to be talkative and hyper. I DO NOT OPEN UP EASILY, until I feel that I can trust a person – and that can take months. I often ask ‘what is wrong with me?’ and I guess this has to do with myself.

  52. Yeh, I like it: Capriquarian. hehe. I agree with not seeing myself as a “social animal,” but neither am I “cold.” My perspective/interpretation of this is that I’m an introvert, and even introverts like to get together with people (friends or others) and talk. I think of myself as quiet, but get me talking about something I’m passionate about and I can’t shut up! I am definitely a rebel and stubborn, and I LOVE IT. I can do without bossy, though, and am trying to learn not to nag. I also like that Capricorn is female and Aquarius male, because I’m a woman, and my “man-friend” (as opposed to boyfriend) is Aquarius. What has been difficult for me over the years is that (in my words) I feel love differently than others do. What I’ve discovered is that real love isn’t the mushy, clingy, fearful soap opera/movie stuff we’re bombarded with, and I had always assumed that if I wasn’t swooning, I didn’t love him. I’m still working through the “independent” thing, though. That conjures up the vision of doing without people, and that can’t be right.

  53. i really know by what people know is the cold feeling, and the numb feeling. it feels like if everyone i knew died, i`d just keep going the way i was, almost like nothing happenned. no one close to me has died, but that`s just how it feels, numb. i`ve taken to calling it “grey”, because i am not on either side of the scale. the coldnesss just never goes away. i also see everything as almost unreal, when i was really young i used to think that we were just people in a game, or something computer generated. i remember staring at a road waiting for my eyes to adjust to the next part of the road and thinking that the computer is loading, and that`s why the land seem`s like it`s made out of water. i tend to hide behind my aquarius side. i`ve never met another capriquarius, in fact i seem to be surrounded by leo`s, virgo`s cancer`s and saggitarius`. like i said before, once someone is dead, i generally don`t feel much, but if i see someone suffering, i can barely stand it. i can`t bare to see guy`s crying. my childhood was pretty bad, i`ll here about kids troubled with divorced parents or ones who had one of thier parents take off and wish that that was all i had had. i suppose i shouldn`t complain, i`m not hungry, and live ok now. i know that i wrote too much already, just wanted to compare with fellow cuspers. email me if you wish, but in terms of secrecy, almost everything on this email account is fake, my age and birthdate is all that is correct.( is secretiveness one of our traits?)
    ps. if it is then the person that is writing about her son probably wouldn`t appreciate you writing about him, don`t mean to be rude but i just want to warn you.

  54. yea baby 1/20/91.. 3:00a.m.

  55. What this says and what you all are saying really describes me. I’ve never been able to describe the numbness that I feel towards people and my surroundings. And I never been around anyone who feels this way, so just reading this makes me know that I’m not crazy. I was just born this way. haha 🙂

  56. 1/21/91 alot are feeling like they don’t know who they are, good news! don’t worry the image will come to you you just need to find balance

  57. Jan 20th 1986. Wow this is sooooooooo true! I feel numb most of the time. I am unable to fall in love easily. I feel lonely and confused even though I am not lonely. Seems like i have two different personalities that clash all the time. One day I am very happy and talkative the next day I am very quiet. I am an introvert most of the time extrovert when I feel like it lol. Very irritated when someone talks to me or calls me when I am doing something. I have so many acquaintances but very little close friends. Trusting someone doesn’t come easy to me. Sometimes I wonder if I need professional help. I cannot make a decision or make up my mind because I am battling two different personalities. We are cursed in a way:(

  58. So true . I always wonder if i have dual personality . At times find this as an advantage as i can reason out and and balance well . I have only 2 close friends for past 30 years . The rest remain as aquaintance .

  59. 1/22/91. agree. Very much a description of the way i think or react. I have a few close friends and many acquaintances. However, If i’m cold because the person and I are not on the same level. but mostly i’m overly cautious and critical w/ those who are romantically interested in me. And Ambitious I am, as long as I figure out the goal.

  60. 01/19/76. Good to find you guys. Even though I’m a world of many, I can feel so alone. I have trouble finding a mate. I can go long periods without one (years) but when I do it’s always a fire that scorches. My temper makes me afraid. The article didn’t mention our visionary and psychic ability. If not paid attention to or masked by addiction can cause us bigger problems than we could imagine. We always make it through the hard times. We’re made of steel when the situation calls for it. A curse is a gift we don’t know how to use yet. Hang in there!

  61. I know what you mean. I have recently made friends with a psychic. I didn’t know she had those abilities when we met, but I do now! lol She is going to do a cleansing and meditation with me during this new moon and get me balanced spiritually, and clear my chakras, esp the throat. — Over the years, through social pressure, peer pressure and family expectations, etc. I have become who I’m not. As I start meditating again, I look back to my college days when I meditated regularly, and see that I had started to develop my psychic abilities, then stopped. I was strong, but became a doormat, a people-pleaser. I knew things before they happened, now I mistrust myself to make even the simplest judgment or decision. I knew I was worth a respectful relationship, now I cling to the first man to offer flattery. I might suggest that this (spiritual cleansing) might be something for others to consider and look into.

  62. DreamLogistics

    Hey everyone. This is exactly the way I think everyday. Is this who I really am? Or do i fool myself and everyone. Such indecision at every moment of the day. I hate being mistaken for being rude when really I have the best intentions. I’m a January 16th cusp and this page is extremely revolutional. I feel like I’m not alone and all thanks to all of you. I love every one of you for your unique abilities and personalities. I find being alone a lot of the time makes spending time with other people absolutely amazing. Thanks everyone for posting!

  63. Hi All,
    now I’m curious to see if you all come out the same as me in myers briggs personality test.
    Here is a fun simpsons version:

    By the way I’m ENTP which is 100% spot on as far as I’m concerned 🙂
    Post yor results here and let’s see 🙂

  64. I am INTJ for the myers briggs personality test. Also I get what you guys are saying about the numbness. I did feel like that a lot until I opened up my creativity and started doing what I wanted and not what others wanted me to do. I write music and I am in love with my girlfriend of 4 years and I find myself very sensitive to everything now and I wasn’t before. I do however still feel conflicted all the time with a dual personality with wanting to be completely free and wanting to succeed in society. I do feel alone and cold a lot of the time, I think it’s because we don’t really focus on the moment and are always living in either the past or future cause we live in a kind of fantasy world. It is amazing seeing how many people feel like me even though I always do feel like I’m alone and nobody gets me.

  65. Yeh, I know. I was just explaining to a friend today that being on the cusp of these two signs is difficult. There’s forward-thinking Aquarius, but Cappy wants the security of tradition. It’s so hard to make decisions, sometimes, given that. I think you’re on the right track of doing what you love, and not what others want you to do. I’m starting my own business. I still fear whether on the right track– I have so many interests and talents. I guess I’ll find out. — I feel so alone lately (lack of friends after 15 years) that I’m leaving my church. “If you need anything…” I’m grieving a failed marriage, people! How about just rallying round? Get me out of the house; be my friend! How hard is that? — p.s. My “man-friend” didn’t stay in the picture very long. I must have learned a life lesson that now will not have to be repeated. yea!

  66. 18th / Jan – I agree its very hard to get away from the feeling that very few people actually understand me or my end goal in whatever I’m trying to do. When I do its an amazing thing. It’s weird though because for some reason these people never stay in my life for very long…
    My offbeat creativity and future thinking sort of floors people at work. I generally have to use my professional face to get taken seriously and that’s pretty annoying.

  67. I’m female, born Jan 20, 1982. And man oh man. I am so confused sometimes. I don’t know whether I should just run off, sell my house, quit my job and form a band, art, philanthropy gig, ??? Or just continue on with my current talent act. Ha ha. meaning, my means at obtaining income. I feel like sometimes I may scare men off due to my manly side which freaks out some? then there is my very feminine side…it’s very feminine. Not all the time though. I am a very stable person…see’s things from the outside in, glass halfway full, laugh at life’s inconveniences and at my own life melodrama’s. Then again I feel like I may be a snob without trying. HA! I am just picky. And at this point in my life I feel like it’s okay to be this way.

  68. 1/20/80

    I fall in love as well and people fall for me. I do have a strong desire to institute change and will stop at nothing to accomplish any goal that I dream up. I am indeed multi talented in any creative genre. Peace bewitch you…Cracka Smile.

  69. 1/21/85. I have been through some of what you all mention. The key is to find your inner self and hold onto it no matter what! It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks, only what we think about ourselves. God is the only one that can judge. We have tremendous spiritual power and can use it to do good if we stop feeling self pity and start loving ourselves for who we are, unconditionally. I know I have felt that the world does not understand my ideas. It hurts at times, but I value my friends immensely and they do understand me. Our journey is an inner spiritual one, and I feel that people of this cusp have an inner line to truth that many other people don’t sense, and we can predict things before they happen without knowing exactly how. That’s powerful! Keep your chin up, everyone.

  70. Very on point. Going through the comments and feeling like im standing still in a room full of me’s. Jan201988. 16:37. Man did I have a confusing childhood. Alone, defeated, confused, aloof, hated on, powerful,triumphed. Are just the beginnings. I have a deep desire to have someone understand me for me. Not really understanding why i have yet to find someone to call my own, but some how I stay focused and grounded. What I had to learn is to let go and let god. Spiritually is how I figured out that it is just not my time…. If we continue to conquer life solely with the responsibility of indulging in self betterment then we will find what is truly for us.

  71. 20th Jan, and I agree, never fit the Capricorn or Aquarius traits fully, and the know the internal struggle well. I have to say as I get older I have noticed extended periods where I am a bit more one way than the other and have just learned to go with the flow, anyone else noticed this Pattern?

  72. I’ve decided to delve further into astrology, because we are more than our sun sign(s). As far as environment, I now watch a lot of design shows, especially when they focus on couples who are traditional and modern, and watch how they blend the two styles. …How to be happy with both. The two styles CAN live peacefully with each other.

  73. I figure as long as I am doing more good than bad. I’m treading to a better place that allows to be myself and close the gap between the extremes. At the end of day, if your troubled be grateful and appreciative that you hopefully have somebody that loves you, if not just keep laughing and praying for a better tomorrow.

  74. This was amazing, bc im always trying to figure out what is wrong with me. My mind changes on the drop of a dime and in relationships it makes it very difficult to remain stable with a person. That’s my next concern, who in the zodiac deals with us well? Virgos are always drawn to me, but I know we don’t do well and with that saying it always ends bad! I need help.

  75. This was amazing, bc im always trying to figure out what is wrong with me. My mind changes on the drop of a dime and in relationships it makes it very difficult to remain stable with a person. That’s my next concern, who in the zodiac deals with us well? Virgos are always drawn to me, but I know we don’t do well and with that saying it always ends bad! I need help.

  76. Hey, Crystal! We are so much more than our Sun sign!! There are 10 “Planets,” 12 Houses, and 360° of sky/heavens. My highest recommendation is to get a birth chart done. Know your rising sign, moon sign, etc., including what houses your planets are in. For instance, your Moon governs your emotions generally, how you approach things etc., while Venus and/or Mars indicate your approach to love, but the placement of each planet within the given houses also has an effect. There are many good books out there. Find one that “speaks to you.” Or, find a reputable astrologer. There are also a few good websites. Either way, you’re best bet is if you know what time and where you were born.

  77. Ok, in reference to compatibility I’ve always been more on good terms with capricorns, born in January.. question to kathy so if I have Venus in pisces and I’m a cancer rising who is my most compatible mate??

  78. Crystal, I, myself, am only a novice astrologer, and would not recommend myself as someone who can answer that question. For myself, I found (on-line) that Taurus is a compatible sign *for me.* Also, I think Virgo and one other sign. I apparently didn’t record the information anywhere, and your question has prompted me to go back in my computer’s history to see if I can find out where I discovered this. Taurus is *not* a sign I would have ever thought compatible! The following sites appear to me to be quite reliable, and you may want to check them out. — — — — Good luck finding your life-mate, and may the stars bless.

  79. i was born 20-01-92, 13 minutes after my twin. first of all what does that mean “gatekeepers of the next sun”? i googled it and nothing came up. also the description on this page is incredibly accurate. im not usually one of those poeple that brags, actually im quite reserved, but i would consider myself multi-talented in both art, literature, and music (i can play anything by ear, but then i know alot of people that can play by ear), computing and science (nuero theology, physics, base string theory, & noetic science are my interests at the moment). i feel some indescribable need to bring world peace and end hunger and famine. i’m only 19 but i want to change the world. i feel like there’s something wrong with me. Does anyone have dreams about their future? i do. i feel like a freak. the only one that understood was my brother. i dreamed one night that he was going to die. and he did. i think that’s why i have to help everyone. i think we are the visionaries and humanitarians of the zodiac. imagine what the world would be like if all the capricorn aquarius cusps worked together… i hate suffering and prejudice above all else. however some of the characteristics are somewhat incorrect, i’m never bossy, and im not social either. im actually incredibly shy and i have no confidence. im more of a listener and hardly ever speak, but when i do it seems to be, somehow, the wisest thing to say. but i have a twin, so i think that the characteristics that dont refer to me would relate to her. someone said something about yin and yang…finding a balance… i think there’s some wisdom in those words…are there any twin cusps on here? i totally understand how everyone feels. wish i could hug you all, even though i know that sounds gay. i wish i could add everyone on here on my facebook just so i know that i have friends who feel the same, but even that sounds lame…

  80. when im alone, and that’s most of the time, i feel like im waiting for something to happen or that im waiting for someone to turn up in my life.. i feel…displaced…i get de ja vu all the time …and it scares me. … im not sure i can say im glad to see that im not the only one who feels that way, but i am tremendously relieved… i would never wish this confusion upon another soul, and i wish i could alleviate your anxiety and your pain. but for the time being all i can say is that i understand totally and hope that will be enough.
    peace and love from new zealand

  81. I think I know what you mean. Too many times I feel like I’m not in my right/proper century, displaced in time. When I feel “de ja vu” I’ve decided, for me, that it means I’m in the right place experiencing that which I am supposed to be going through. But it’s scary when I am SURE that I’ve “already done this” whether a few days or many years ago. Knowing that others experience and understand has to be enough, because there is nothing we can do to change what Life has in store. For me, it’s great to know somebody out there really does understand. How else can we possibly explain it to others when they Don’t “get it?”

  82. Merrique! You’re not bragging, you’re stating facts here. Bragging is making more of yourself than what is there. I think your generation seems to be divided: those who are “eternally” depressed, the “emo” kids and other drama queens, and those who want to — and know they can and must– save the world. — “In order for the individual to be comfortable with this cusp they must be able to enjoy the learning process, the journey through life without being thrown off balance by even major changes that are unavoidable.” — “These people are independent and individualistic, within the world but detached from it.” Here is your “displacement.”

    As far as your not being bossy, you may have to “grow into” it, whether as a parent, or future business person, perhaps when you’re older and not so flexible in your ways anymore. I am not very “social” either, though I do like to gab a lot with my friends, and I do like “studying” and conversing on deeper levels. I used to be shy, but I am still an introvert. Shy indicating something of a fear of people and/or situations.

    I read (skimmed) over the article again and found no reference to “guardians of the next sun.” If you tell me where that is in context, I’ll be happy to make comment on it.
    Greetings from Arizona, U.S.A.

  83. 19th Jan /77! yeah this is me!!!! cannot believe it!!!

  84. What a wonderful article. I love it. I see that from all the coments that I am a little more developed in some ways of life than most of you. We as all being born around or on the same day as one another definitely explains characteristics. However this forum explains emotions as well !! We say were cold and closed and numb, but you all have expressed emotion through your writing in this forum, congratulations ! Next step is to understand how we can accomplish well rounding ourselves. We know that we can write emotion but expressing through word and action is extremely difficult.. My antidote is to first instead of just saying things premeditate what you need to say.. no I’m not saying sugar coat your logic. But use your mind in other ways besides computing what must be the most right correct answer. Live and let live.

  85. My biggest fear is not finding the “one” as a cappyaqua born on jan 20 88.. 16:37. Im not understanding why I’m obessed with my relationship status. I’m involved (friends/w b) this guy born on the same cusp. Just jan 18, 88. He is a childhood friend and I adore him. He is so much like me and I have never felt this complete with someone. Not saying he completes me but when he’s around its like I am my most comfortable. I can’t even express myself with my family as much as I can with him, and I hold my family close. Its nerve wrecking when we click so much, we notice it and end up backing away to only be right back to square one…. I don’t know what to do when I want more out of this, knowing that I have no say so in changing things up. Cause my bed is made. I wanna stop being so go with the flow all the time. This guy is gonna make me cringe. I wanna take control of my relationship with him but I know that it will cause him to retreat.

  86. Any suggestions, comments ? I would love to hear what you guys think about 2 cappyaqua together in this situation .

  87. If nothing else, I’ve heard that 2 Capricorns together will at some point try to control each other. Not that you don’t/can’t love each other, just that Capricorns like to be in control. I would be cautious about another of the same sign (been there, done that), but there’s nothing wrong with being great friends. Just remember, marriage really does change things.

  88. I’m very happy to have found this page! It’s nice to read comments by fellow CapAquarians. My bd is Jan. 18 and I’m thirty. I can relate many of the posts made here. In terms of the “numb” or “grey” feeling many of us seem to experience, for me it’s not a “numb” or “grey” feeling that I can equate to, it’s more of an “intuative” presence that I have always felt even as a child. This often left me feeling seperated from the crowd. And still does as an adult. I had a good childhood and have many aquaintences but very few close friends. I never feel the need to mixed with large crowds and often avoid them because I tend to be shy or just very independent. It can get lonely, the Capricorn burdone, lonliness. It’s not easy. I also, prefer to communicate one on one or in small group settings. The Aquarius in me has taught me in adulthood not to bother with small annoyances of every day life. I am traditional in my belief system the Capricorn yet, free-spirited and too forgiving at times the Aquarian. I believe in rules yet, if people bend them a little I’m not opposed. Often all this doesn’t make sense leaving me confused. I find myself fleeing from anyone that could cause drama because that vibe quickly brings me down. I try to be selective with whom I let into my world yet, I still find myself attracted to people who are extroverts and the opposite of me. It’s because of my shyness I guess? My whole life has been “feast or famine”. I would like to find even ground one day. I have experienced love, good love, with an Aries and a late born Sagittarius men. Right now I’m alone. The Fire signs excite me but not sure they are right for me. Steadfast friends I have with Cancer and Scorpio, I mix well with Water signs. Does CapAquar end up alone?

  89. Please forgive me for not re-reading the article, but it seems somewhere in my memory that we don’t end up alone, rather that our “true love” is found later in life. I’ve been married 2x, but my psychic assures me my life mate is only now (at 53) about to come into my life. — My best friends have tended to be Leos, (a fire sign) but I don’t know if that’s influenced by my having 3 planets in Sag, also a fire sign. — And don’t confuse loneliness for alone-ness. Shyness may be caused by a blocked Chakra; introversion is different, as it is not marked by fear as shyness is. Your attraction to extroverts is likely a result of your being introverted: opposites attract, just be careful HOW extroverted (or introverted) someone is that you get involved with. Just be sure the person isn’t your opposite in beliefs and values.

  90. Thank you for your insight Kathy, I agree.

  91. FINALLY! I’ve never been a true Capricorn and now I know why. This is me 100%. Jan 19, ’61.

  92. Brilliant article, im a Jan 19 1990 baby 🙂 and its frickin tough but i plod on.

    Love/Relationships: I always dream about finding the “one” girl who could understand how I go about life. Also, I have always wanted to have a family and just live life peacefully. Did date a virgo once but we drifted apart and it tore me. Still does…

    Work/Career wise; Doing a maths degree but I still do not know what I want to do

    Close families are always in contact, but im not always in touch with cousins etc etc

    Living each day as it comes at the moment..

  93. OK so as a caprquarius we know we want to save the world. We are the humanist.
    Commomly what professions, skills, careers, duties are we drawn to ? I have a hard time figuring out.
    I want to be able to help everyone out.

  94. If I may Bee’sting, we are humanitarians, not humanists.

    If you’re truly at a loss, and feel a need for more focused direction, I would suggest a good psychic/Tarot reading. Some psychics will also use your birth chart in their considerations, but you need to specifically ask. Not all do/can. If you’re more religiously grounded, the easiest way to go is to ask yourself what you want to be when you grow up, and ask God’s guidance. Then, wait, knowing He will answer. Note any and all arrows pointing the way: dreams/ideas, off-handed comments (made by you as well as others), magazine articles, that Inner Voice, etc., anything that “happens” to come into your awareness.

    There are so many different avenues that contribute to “saving the world,” I doubt there are narrowly defined professions, skills, etc. for CapriQuarians… or anyone, though there may be some broad, common generalizations. Don’t forget, there are also other planets and signs to consider, as well as influential external forces, e.g., “direction” from parents, discouragement from spouses, et al. You will need to clear those voices and [re-]learn to trust yourself.

    So, let’s say you want to help children, but are not attracted to teaching. Perhaps you’re drawn to be a dentist. Great! Become a dentist, then once a year, perhaps, donate your time (and therefore money) and skills helping kids with cleft palettes and hare-lips through surgery, or do something simpler, as filling cavities for free for the “under-privileged.” Maybe your calling is writing. The written word raises people’s awareness, and your influence whether lyrics, poetry or prose can become rather widespread. There is great value in comedy! Recognize the power of a smile and laughter, helping people by lifting their spirits! Where would you go? Birthday parties? hospitals? USO? Whatever you do, make sure it brings *you* fulfillment and self-respect by being true to yourself.

    You probably know somewhere inside yourself what you want to do. Whether you can’t quit your day job, or your calling becomes your day job, don’t wait 30 years (as I did) for someone to tell you what you’ve “always known.” Trust yourself, and then go full steam ahead! Don’t let anyone deter you, not even you.

  95. @kathy well said. I may not know what i wanna do. But i do understand that time waits for no one. Thanks for those kind words and also for the correction.

  96. You’re welcome. Your saying that you don’t know what you want to do causes me to wonder if you have some Gemini influence, (indecisiveness) or significant external pulls. That’s why I made suggestions, such as medical all the way to comedy. Not everyone understands the value of our dreams and desires. We’re so brainwashed into the “doctor/lawyer” gotta have money syndrome. As for “getting on with it” once you do decide has to do with faith, or what others call the Law of Attraction. Your action will create the connections to move you forward to your goal. The more ardent your actions, with confidence, the faster you will be propelled.

    Another tool you may want to check into is the book “What Color Is Your Parachute.” We used it in college. Turns out my “profession” of choice was –and is– wife and mother. (Being divorce and unemployed, that doesn’t help much.) But I’ve always enjoyed writing, and a Tarot reading recently revealed that I have a place in writing or selling spiritually based books. Looks like I didn’t major in Writing for nothing.

    Also, you may want to go further than just knowing your cusp. For instance, being a homebody shows up in my chart. I have never cared for any particular career, much less earn money. That’s not to say I don’t want to work. I’d just rather be doing it at home. Hope this helps.

  97. I was born Jan. 19, 1985 and this article is VERY much 97% on-point with me. Add to that…I am a #7 Lifepath in Numerology!

    I had a very emotionally disturbing and crushing childhood, my mother & I (along with several other family members) don’t get along; I often feel that they hate me. I’ve nothing but horrifying encounters with females and a dark-hurting lovelife in general, thus far. In fact, I was very, very shy growing up in-terms with the ladies because I never knew how to talk to them and whenever I did, lots of times it went wrong.

    I’ve always had a very futuristic, open-mindedness about me. I’m very big on logic and “conspiracy theories”. I have huuuge affinity towards “the darkside” (vampires, zombies, The Matrix, H.I.M., etc.) and I looove the sunset and nighttime (both are my favorite times of the day).

    Since I was a kid, I was able to draw and I looved comic-books. I listen to all kinds of music. I dress my own way; which doesn’t come across as “expected for my ethnic group”. LOL

    I have a huuge since of humor and I loved to have fun. I always like to joke around and I don’t really take a lot seriously. My humor, though, is seen as too dark and not too many people enjoy what I find funny (ie: JackAss, Beavis & Butthead, Dave Chappelle, Wonder Showzen) Though I like to have fun, I have NO friends. Go figure, right? It’s not because I don’t want’s just that nobody seems to be trustworthy and so many people and lied to me in my life.

    I always feel misunderstood because people either don’t care about what I have to say, don’t get whatever I say and also people think that I’m weird or crazy :/

    I’ve stopped getting involved in relationships due to women being untrue to me and also, nobody thinking on my wavelength. Add to that,…I DON’T LIKE TO EAT THE SAME CEREAL EVERYDAY, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. hee hee 😀

    I suffer from depression due to all of that, but…I somehow manage to wake to another day.

    Does anyone out there have a similar story or whatever??

  98. well . i am 19 jan 88 … and yes numbness creeps at times , at times i know people just too well to fall head over heels for them …….. i guess its the effect of being able to analyze , but i am a dreamer …. confident , and even reckless at times , to be honest most of my friends find me too unpredictable, may be thats effect of the cusp …… but then i love this sign , seems like we are destined to succeed

  99. @ kathy ,, nice insight there .. … i agree with u on most counts …………looks like u have studied this through and through . but then dear it seems u ar waiting for destiny to happen on its own ,, rather than making it happen…….. remember we are caps .. practical and realist to core 😉

  100. Yes, we are Caps, but also ‘quarians, with rising signs et al. I am very practical, but a dreamer as well, and have never had confidence enough in myself or my dreams to pursue them: dreams aren’t practical. That’s how I was raised. So, yes, much of my life I have been waiting for things (destiny) to happen to/for me instead of going after them myself. There was no encouragement.

    Then, a couple years ago, my husband left me which crushed my faith in God, in dreams,… never mind, people; I took it that hard. This year, however, I am healing, and as a result am slowly… becoming me. I’ve also been learning about Chakras and the Law of Attraction. Still surrounded by people “more practical” than myself, it was the “encouragement” of the *Tarot* that inspired me to reach toward my [old] dreams of being a writer. Somehow, NOW it seems… well, feasible if not practical.

    And thank you for your kind words about my abilities as an [aspiring] astrologer. I start taking classes next month. 😀

  101. 01/19/1990
    right on the cusp
    Caprius is who i am and this reads me so well. And some of all ur stories feel like mine.

  102. 21 jan 92. Yeah some of the description here pretty much sums me up, though I’m not interested in “business”, unless it means getting things done. But basically if I have the purpose for doing it, the “whys” I would feel more high-spirited and hardworking. Otherwise I can be a real slob seriously, lol 😀

    As for the Aquarius side, I’m real imaginative and creative when it comes to music. Like, give me a guitar and I would start playing rhythms, catchy but sometimes odd and I like to do it differently and unique. Even without an instrument I can play them in my head very clearly as if I’m listening with my earphone on hahah… weird I know, but I’m sure I’m not the only one.

    Other than that, there’s a side of me that’s pessimistic and unmoving. The only “benefit” with this pessimism is knowing what I should really be doing instead of playing games and trying to fool around and fooling myself. On the side note I want to tell that people born in this cusp can be really depressed and grudging. Aquarian like to overthink things even when it’s unnecessary while as a Capricorn when things doesn’t go as planned we tend to feel miserable and like putting the blame on others

    The solution to the negative side, in my case is I always try to think positively and once I’m aware that I’m overthinking and analyzing things over too much I try to get out of my head as soon as possible by talking to friend or hanging out. If all these fails I would just calm my mind and try to empty it down. Otherwise just wait for depression to sink in. As for encountering adversity I’d like to think hardship would be followed by ease and this is what toughen and harden most Capricorn. Well in this case, “Capriquarians” perhaps. Or even more original “Capricous water bearer” or “Aquarian Goat”. lol the latter doesn’t sound so right I think 😀

  103. I actually never payed much attention to the fact that im on a cusp,for as long as ive been studying astrology..everything I just read here friends that are close to me,i have told them this..the scorpio im with now n a fwb thing,says he sees there are two mes and two of him,hes born on the libra scorpio cusps,which made me even think to acknowlege my own..i also. Yearn for understandin otherwise I stay alone,scorp understands me and vice,but his previous breakup,lefted him broken up,but still tryin,so,i know this lesson learned for him n I was,we dated 4yrs ago,was perfect for one another,but ,he was immature,and I didnt express how I felt,because I really dont know how to,now this time god removed the relatonships we were involved in at the same time,bought us back together to show him yet again im the one and to me hes the one,we express how we feel to each other now,but his prob is he doesnt have his career together which makes him say he doesnt wanna label us,which is fustratin to me,but he says it will become one when he get his finances straight this natal birth chart and his compatibility test shows we are perfect,but,it gets steamy he pushes away,cause he says he never intended for us to even have sex,cause its more than that to him….im majorin in english to be a writter/rapper..although my cap traits make it nerve reckin..i am able to be myself with him and he says hes able to be himself with me..i have put together r abulms worth of lyrics and I am workin at my mixtapes..if that doesnt workout as my ultimate goal I will have a degree so I can still be a teacher,writer, good at whatever I do attempt though..rapping has always been my dream,goal,hobby,intrest…i am determined to show others its only an illusion you can do whatever makes you happy in this life ..happy to have come across this site becausse I tried dxpnet but people on their dont even get me and I see why im on a cusp,then they had nerve on there to say cuspers are usually dizzy,its no where near that we are just deep

  104. Also im born on the 18 of jan,so if all of us feel this way about life and we feel we need to be doin somethin,helpin someone,gettin things done,and we always feel like we are waitin on someone or something then it maybe our signs specific trait to make us get into our careers harder to go further because we are supposed to be destined for greatness and great things dont come to a person doin nothin,im speakin of all of us young indecisive capaquariuses…we have this great ability and I bet like me most of you are fuckinoff a lot..dont get me wrong I am handlin buisness but its far more I could be doin,i am worried about gettin the right guy now cuz all else is in progress,but I meet so many potential suitors but they are always sized up within the first month so I do not proceed givin tgem a break,i began to nag,seemin needy,and unstable,so im tryin to get past this sucky point in order to fully pursue life

  105. You mention worrying about finding the right guy. Oh, boy, do I know that one!! What’s really sucky is that our cusp seems destined to meet their “true love” late in life. I’ll be 54 this coming birthday, (married and divorced twice) and I have yet to meet him. My psychic has informed me that when I’ve learned certain lessons, Spirit will put him right in front of me… and it won’t be much longer. I don’t like having to wait, but at least I know Spirit has done the match-making, and I don’t have to worry about where to find him.
    But, there’s more to us than what our birth sign gives us. Yes, some traits seem to be “who we are,” but sounds to me like you have your own issues, and should size up yourself first, before deciding on your suitors. Speaking from personal experience, things like nagging and being needy are manifestations of insecurity and a lack of being grounded in who you are. I suggest getting your Chakras’ health checked. Chakras are your body’s energy centers, which also affect your emotional and spiritual life, as well as playing a part in your physical health. Also beneficial, you might look into a Tarot reading with a proven psychic on your birthday to look into the year ahead, challenges, relationships, career. There are even psychics who do readings AND take your birth chart into consideration in the reading.
    Don’t think being indecisive is just for young Capriquarians. Whew! I’m still that way, and yes, it gets in the way of being effective in all aspects of life. Last month, my psychic told me where my life purpose lies. You wanna talk about “waiting for something or someone”? FINALLY, someone tells me what to pursue (one of my passions). I’ve been battling “old tapes” for decades, and would have never thought to go in the direction the cards indicated. Even at 53-4 I am still learning to put aside old messages and understand that I’m a grown woman able to make my own rules.
    As far as waiting for someone to help, I don’t wonder if that’s more of a female trait. We’re raised to some degree to think we’re helpless and/or that “that’s a man’s job.” I wait for help a lot and when I get tired of waiting, I do it myself… It takes less time, and turns out pretty good, if I do say so myself. And then I wonder why I waited. I am able.
    CapGal, learn your spiritual lessons, and heal your Chakras. You don’t NEED “him” in order to pursue a full and vibrant life. (Want him? o.m.g. YES! Of course.) Become the person you want to be for him and he’ll be there. He’s the icing on the cake, the Abbot to your Costello, the shade tree to your sunny day….

  106. I have heard of spiritually cleansin by a psychic wantin to do my transitional chart becaues she told me I have a negative influence floatin around me,and she wanted to rid those influences so I coulf further my transitional period..but I believe I need god more than a psychic who hr deems to be satan,though I was temted to try it..this world has placed us all on the cusps for a reason,and if we lose all the affection thats affectin the behavior of us on thoses levels maybe we would endure life goals faster,but we would definately not be able to trust thoses around for fear of bein used..but I get your point,and even bein a young cap on this cusp,everyone around me actually look up to me,they think im the know it all,and cant go wrong with ideas or help from me,so when we learn ourselves n and out we could help us cause the cosmos gave us this set in remote to just know

  107. Jan 22/95

    This explains me completely and I understand what many of you are saying about feelin alone in a crowded room. I love everyone and want nothing more then to help people but I can’t seem to help myself. I’m hopelessly lost, inlove with a man who can’t open his eyes and see what I really am. He can’t see that we are apart of each other. Regardless of how hard he fights to get away from me he always comes back and vice versa. We can’t live without eachother and he fails to see that I’m here for the taking. It is absolutely infuriating. I feel dull and lifeless because no one is like him. I feel like a caged bird all the time, like life is a never ending facade I just can’t seem to see through. My ideas are “genius breaking in the point of insanity” ya that pretty much sums up my life. I say what I feel I say what I mean but people never seem to understand it. I can’t seem to move past this dark whole I dug and I can’t figure out how I dug it. My ambition yells keep moving but I can’t seem to get a hold on the ground beneath my feet :S I’m so lost. Fellow cusps, I feel your pain. In a world where little understand because so few listen what are we supposed to do?

  108. I thi,k take all thoses emotions and put them. Into art,music,poetry all a that is art..its what I do for self expression,but as far as our love,life,idk,i think we hhave to behave maybe,i sit around other women to figure out how to be more femine becuase ive never been ..even tough im about to be tweenty five this year I am just straight backwards with behavin like a woman…alsoi have aparonoid schitzophrenic mind..i actually cant stop thinkin foul of others just off us all bein cursed as realists of all zodiac,so its like we are nambeepamby snitches of the zodiac,that encourage people not to make certain choices cause their wrong…i wish love could have,came for all of us but these qualities we each share that we know are bad maybe we need to tone em down some,i been poppin xanax in order to calm me down,but I dont wanna turn to an addict for them


    I actually have an issues with being alone although most of you stated you could care less about having a nother person involved..i usuallly have been really wanting to have my mate to go through life with in order to fully fulfill my ultimate dream because i have a vision and the only way that i can fullfill it is to have the exact person who is an equal to me..i think i have come across him so i opened up more than i usually would to him..i feel as though i am a cap who has come out of their shell..normally i use to be a person who would rather be alone and not talk about things that bother me,but many people have gotten that very confused witrh me being a heartless bitch…so i changed that ,most people who i deem suitable to handle all of this lovei havve to offer i let themin.but i have found most people cant deal with the intensity , exccept someone who is equally intense and that is a scorpio, but it takes them even longer to open up..the one im seein we have tried it in the past,so now in the present we are able to fully understand the emotions one another have inside

  110. I certainly DO care about sharing life with someone. In fact, “wife and mother” has been my career goal since my 20s. Yes, I can live well without someone, but I’ve been married twice, and given a choice, I’d rather be married. Even in school, I knew that my ultimate “career” would be wife and mother. I’m not the bread-winner type. Well, I’ve been a mom for 18 years, but being married, so far, hasn’t worked out. I’m learning that the/a reason the marriages failed was because I’m worth more than what I Settled for. It also means I need to learn to love myself enough not to settle, to love myself enough to believe that I don’t have to settle in anything. Good luck to you, also.

  111. I too am extremely afraid of being alone. I used to have seperation anxieties. As for putting my frustrations into art, i already do that. I think as a cap-aqua cusp were always going to be just a little bit different. I think that we were born this way because we were needed in other peoples lives jsut the way we are. We are beautiful human beings and we should never ahev to change just because we don’t fit in.

  112. Hi guys, I’m really glad to have found this page. It scares me a little how this page describes me so accurately. I’m a rather pessimistic person and I think that’s been the one thing weighing me down the past few years. I feel like I’m forever indecisive and unhappy on the inside. I have a wide social circle, but like many of you I feel alone, as if not a single person truly understands me. This frustrates me a lot, and I crave for that soulmate all the time. I’m afraid that I might never find this person. I don’t want to live like that all my life. I’m still schooling, and recently I’ve been really wanting change. Hoping that things would get better. Have a great year ahead guys, stay strong.

  113. DivsThatDreamz

    ok so im born on Jan. 20 1994, Its cool how the article describes me to the T, but I DONT WANT TO BE SINGLE FOREVER OR FIND LOVE LATE!! OMGSH I really dont want that uhhg -____- do we stay single?!?! and find love late?..oh i did my birthchart and it says im an aquarius!..I love being an Aquarius!!♥

  114. Aquarius, yes, but still cusp. You are certainly not “doomed” to find love late. Much of what you read here are challenges, not prophecies set in stone. A lot will have to do with your spiritual maturity, and that of others. In fact, that’s what life is about, adapting and evolving spiritually as we rise to meet and conquer life’s challenges. The more we learn and abide by those lessons, the more we evolve. Letting love come in its own time will be one of those challenges. And I totally believe that there’s no such thing as the “one and only.” If you “miss” one opportunity, there will be another. That relationship was sent for a reason, to teach a lesson, both to you and the other. Remember, the one that got away was not “the one,” or s/he wouldn’t have got away.

  115. Born on the 20th January. I find myself vacillating between the Capricorn and Aquarieus sides often, even on the hour, every hour. And rather than see myself as ‘odd’ and ‘weird’, which many people have coined me as, I’ve come to accept most of me, through quiet observation and a deep need to understand myself. I only ever experienced being numb once (for just over a year), and that was as a result of a really toxic relationship — or rather let me put it this way. I hid the ‘real’ me, in order to fit into his box of who I should be, and in the process I was on the receiving end of a lot of verbal abuse, and also the giver thereof. When I realised that I was numb — psychologically we just shut down when we are battered — I couldn’t continue much further. Soooooo, I’ve continued to embark on my spiritual path, with heart, mind and Soul open, and this I know for sure: despite being born under a ‘difficult’ star, there is no one quite like me. And for that I am grateful. Live your life without regret, and accept who you are minute by minute instead of fighting it. Love, light and laughter …

  116. I was born on January 19th, just like half the commenters(:, and I agree that a lot of this is accurate. I think I’m going through sort of a turning point in my life right now, I have dreams that I want to carry out but I guess it’s the Capricorn in me that doesn’t want to take risks to get there. I’ve never fallen in love either, a lot of times I feel alone when surrounded by people, and yeah, I always feel like people don’t really understand me. My family life when I was younger was difficult too. I’m glad I found this site, though, because there’s a lot of good qualities in the cusp and it makes me feel less alone to know that there are other people like me 🙂 best of luck everyone

  117. hi everyone im 1/20/83. i grew up on military bases, dad left when i was 8 and had a ruff time growing up. moved alot and spent even more time alone. i was a dorky kid growing up but im smart. past 9 grade perfincies my 8th grade year. one of few to pass all 5, 12th grade perfincies which gave me a scolarship valture. i was the only person in the school to go to Regionals for track my senior year. but now getting past school even more challenges have steped in my path. had to deal with my best friends sister being raped. ended up in the hospital on jan 19 2005 the day before my 21st birth day. had a staff infection that almost took my life. so on my 21st b-day i was told i couldn’t drink for 6 more months. THAT SUCKED….. then my dating life started. well i thought. watched my x-girlfriends dad drop dead infrount of me from drugs. went to college for carpendry and with me in the room, watched a guy get hit in the head with the claw end of a hammer. that was no accident. it was in a hotel room that school issued for students. saw the blood go from one side to the other side of the room. a week later out on the town drunk my roommate took me downtown Atlanta in a bad part. he ended up that night jumping over a fence and fell 2 1/2 stories to the ground and had the bone shoot out his leg. the ambulance was two girls and i ended up having to pick him up and put him in an ambulance. then i got home did some corses online went to turn in my mid term test and guess what… THE SCHOOL SHUT DOWN. someone stole from the tresurery and FBI shut it down. lost all my college credits and it still hit me for over 5 grand in school fees. might i say all this before i was 23 years old.

    now if you think that was the bad stuff be ready because it has not started. after college was done for i got stuck at my moms again. no job no money no car out in the middle of no where. but then i met a great girl got things back together and then out of the blue a week before valintines day we split up. i was so mad i made sure i took all my stuff. ALL MY STUFF. then back at my moms place the day before valintines day the power to the house went due to a winter storm. so we went to stay at my grandmothers place on v-day. the day after v-day my moms HOUSE BURNT DOWN. ALL MY STUFF in boxes still burned…………. i went from nothing to absalutely NOTHING but the close on my back. i was working in a bar as a DJ and Karoke guy and they did a benifit for me since everyone knew me i got enough to have a start again. even a regular i was friends with that stopped there gave me a place to stay. and now to the hard part of this story.

    now living with BOB the unexpected happened!!!!! we through a huge party and sitting by the fire Amber sat next to me. i fell in love. it was her birthday and we were both alone by a fire and just met. all we did was sit there silent and held hands. next thing we know we are living together. she asked me to marry her!!!! but it never happened. let you know about Amber. Amber has anziaty attacks that cause seizures. she is bipolar and has problems with her nerves system. i took care of her and was the only one that can calm her after and anziaty attack or seizure.she still calls me. she called me 2 days ago after a seizure. well 2 years later my cousin was getting married and she was soposed to go with me. she didn’t show. i got home she was there with her mothers boyfriend. i got mad and left for a while. came back and found them naked in bed together past out drunk. i jumped on him and beat his face in bloody turned around and drove straite to her mothers. they tried to claim it wasn’t what it looked like but she ended up saying he took advantage of her drunk. well after that i tried to forgive her but in my head it never went away. then she turned to pills to make her happy. she told me she was showing her body to a fat guy for pills, i confrounted him. he told me it was sex. i cought her by him texting her. well 6 months ago i had her move out but we still talked until 2 weeks ago on Christmas day. the week before Christmas we were talking about maybe getting back together then Christmas day she didn’t want me there. once again my heart was ripped out and the NUMB feeling everyone on here talks about happened. it was so bad that i almost took my life. then i got on my computer started looking up horoscopes which led me here… to this site… today…. i see that we all have these problems but why does it seem that mine is so much worse than everyone else? well when i was young i saw a psychic and was told i wouldn’t make it to 30 years old. that a Vergo is going to need me to help set her on the right path. i believe Amber is that Vergo which i didn’t think about till i started writing this. but this is my 29th birthday coming up and to tell you the truth im scared that the psychic was right and now possible that after all this theres no chance that i will ever end up truely happy before i go if the end is truely comming for me or is the end the start of what i want my life to be.

  118. Steve, Not to take your story lightly, but you’ve got a great book if you do an auto-biography. You can fictionalize it or not. But let me get to the important part.

    Psychics can only tell you the path you’re on. YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR PATH. A psychic told me my life-mate (whom I have yet to meet) will be a parent of one of my students. What would happen if I quit my job tutoring? Does that mean I’ll never meet him, or just that our meeting will be delayed? A psychic told my son (18) that he would be going to Tibet, probably through a school connection. Mind you, he would love to have gone. BUT, a few months later, he dropped out of school. Whether that opportunity comes again, who knows.

    Now, I know you can’t “drop out of life,” but you might go to another psychic. Most psychics who predict actual physical death of their querent are not worth their salt. And some are in the business for the money, preying on the fear and superstitions of those who come in their door. And instilling fear like that is certainly not going to enhance your life, true or not. Seriously, I don’t think any self-respecting psychic would leave you in such a precarious emotional state.

    Get a new psychic; go to a different location. Even call California Psychics. They’re online, and very reliable. …. NO. I don’t work for them, never have. Though I have had a reading with them, I now, personally, go to a local psychic. Just a suggestion if you’re not sure where to go. Point being, get a second opinion. Things have been so rough, it’s easy for you to fall into the trap of believing someone who may not be all that intuitive.

    A friend of mine recently had me do a Tarot reading for him. He was a bit worried, because his sister had done readings for him, and every time, it’s all doom and gloom, he said. Well, my cards showed that the “doom and gloom” was passing away, and that he needed to take responsibility in his life, because he was in a place of new beginnings.

    Steven, I can’t vouch for psychics who do “readings” without tools, i.e. cards or horoscopes, etc. But if you go to someone local, and they do use Tarot cards I want you to be aware of a few of those cards so you don’t panic: The Tower card means change, upheaval, but all interpretations include the opportunity to start new. The Death card is the death of IDEAS, the way of thinking or doing things and has NOTHING TO DO with physical death!!! PLEASE BE CLEAR ABOUT THAT! The 3 of Swords is heartache, and whether it’s past, present or future depends where it is in the spread. There are other cards that may look “ominous,” like the Devil, but THERE IS NOT A SINGLE CARD in the deck that means you’re going to die!

    As to the question of why your life has been so hard and such a mess… Typically, you go through things so that you are of benefit to others later. In fact, if you re-read your story, you WERE there able to help others, the ambulance, the fire, etc. Don’t read it “woe is me.” No. It’s, gee it’s a good thing I was there to help. The fire, too, may be God’s way of de-cluttering your life to move you somewhere else, spiritually if not physically.

    If your gut says not to be involved with the girl, DON’T. You’re instincts know things, and discounting them is to disrespect your spirit and what it’s telling you. It’s a way of telling yourself you’re a liar. Trust yourself!!

    Read Dr. Caroline Myss’ (pronounced Mace) book “Anatomy of the Spirit” and/or watch the video/DVD The Energetics of Healing.” Most of all, go to a spiritual healer. Get your chakras opened, aligned and healthy.

    I think there is something grand happening in your life, Steven, but you need a new perspective. Re-read your story, and place yourself as the hero instead of the victim and see how it reads. Trust your inner self in all things, including relationships. Don’t cling to what isn’t healthy. Been there, done that. If you “die,” it may be dying to your old self and taking on something new. Take care of yourself that you may live long and prosper.

  119. Dear Steve,
    You have had SUCH an awful time but for sure you are not alone. In having had such awful things happen to you you have been on a non-stop emotional roller-coaster most of your life, it has all come in such quick succession that your ability to feel confident about what is true or not has probably been compromised. To be honest I do not think a genuine psychic would ever tell you that you wouldn’t make it past 30, so unless they said something different that you only interpreted as such I would take no notice and at the very most take it as the path you are on wont last past thirty, just like in the Tarot the card for death is a really good one to get, it means that the old order is passing away. Steve you sound like a truly caring and loving person one that others also recognise , I think this has what has got you through till now and has laid down a foundation for the rest of your life- a loving a caring life. The wonderful thing about you is that you have kept your head above water whilst the flood has passed by and you are still the same person, not synical or bitter, but still caring and thoughtful. – What an achievement for one so young ! This means that you are strong loyal dependable and wise , traits that you can use to care for yourself as well. It seems that there is allot of rebalancing to be done between Pluto and Uranus this coming year, Uranus will be challenging injustice and power, Uranus is also one of the two ruling planets for Aquarian Capricorn cusps Saturn being the other, so it is very good news for us cusps !
    Having a bad start to life seems to be a common trait for us, me included, but when you manage to keep your feet on the ground keep focused and balanced … which sounds like what you have done… then you have got your self to next level ! So dont worry you’ve made it ! All my good wishes go to you for the future .. Jenny

  120. Agreed! Well said, Jenny! 😀

  121. hi kathy and jenny thanks for replying i took in every word. i have a question for anyone that wants to answer. do you see yourself as a quiet person? and do thoughts run through your head as if you are talking to yourself to the point you think its not normal. its hard to explain. like i go to work have people around sometime( im a painter i work alone alot) and i talk but not even half as much as other people. like i think about what i want to say but the words never come out. ever.

    and an even bigger question. in your dreams as a kid where you able to see the future… and if you could did you ever change what happened. i no longer have dreams. all my dreams completely stopped around 10 years ago after i changed one of them. and everything truely bad in my life has happened since they stopped. i think i messed with something i shouldnt of.

  122. Dear Steve,
    to answer your questions , yes to both, I think Capricorn Aquarian cusps do have special insight into things even to the point of premonitions, also they are very social so need to talk even if its only to themselves, but are thoughtful and don’t like to talk about trivial things. I am generally quiet and don’t manage to get a word in in conversations- but also some people speak less if they have had traumatic experiences.
    Certainly when I was younger, I had lots of dreams normally about disasters that were either happening as I dreamed or about to happen. There wasnt anything I could do about them and it upset me alot. later in my thirties I had more personal visionary dreams and I acted on them in that I made a huge effort to be be loving to people around me and make a difference to people I was in contact with, I was a teacher and the effects were very clear to see. As I was going through a very tough time it really made my life bearable. Now I feel I have gone backwards because I started to get bitter about the hardship and unjust treatment I was receiving and life has got worse again for me… your question has really made me understand whats happened, I think for me I should have disregarded the bad things and concentrate on the good things, perhaps its time for me to do that , your question is a powerful one Steven . I also have dreams about things like being in car crashes and I tend to be very cautious about driving when this happens, I think its a warning just to be careful, so no real crashes so far thankfully! Just in terms of talking to yourself alot , its perfectly normal especially doing what you do which is a solitary job, nice when what your thinking about is nice but it can be difficult when your going through a hard time because there is a tendency to allow such thoughts to get increasingly negative, if you could find a place where you get to talk alot with other or if you could work alongside a partner it might help to calm the thoughts down if you feel you need to.
    Getting back to your dreams I found that meditation helped bring my dreams from the disturbing ones into visionary ones, I think that it is possible that because you fear the consequences of messing with them, you may have blocked your dreams from flowing from your unconscious into consciousness .. which can be detrimental to your well being, perhaps some meditation would help?

  123. After reading a few months of many similar comments without finding an answer to my quistion, I thought I might just throw it out there.

    Has anyone in this cusp ever had a relationship; (with lots of love and all that jaz) with another person in the same cusp? I’m 22/01/84 absolutly adore a 19/01/92 her presence makes the numbness people are speaking of disapear; but I’ve never been so sure and then in doubt about anything so much in my life. I’m thinking the attraction may have more to do with the generation gap as she’s a sheep and I’m a pig. I’m just finding her a little… cold, I thought at first it was because she’s more on the capricorn side and I was starting to think she has no emotion… but after reading though here I’m thinking, the abitilty to stir deep emotion is present…. Stuck like the end of a record; not sure wether or not to commit or cut the bond.

    Btw being on this cusp is just hard cause we’re just too danm cool 😛 I’ve found that having some close gemini, leo and saggie mates really balances me, I can express my personality, and prudently assert my views in my morbid way (why put things plain when the plain wouldn’t get it anyway? May as well be creative, it’s more fun) a bunch of these personalities bangin arround is a freak sho yo, too much fun.

  124. I talk to myself all the time, in my head or out loud, at home, at the store, in the car. Never thought about whether it’s “normal.” What bothers me is those “conversations” when *I* don’t even listen! Around other people, I, too, can’t get a word in edgewise, but I always thought it was because I was taught not to interrupt, so that now that I’m old enough, I don’t know how.

    Jenny’s right about the potential of “self-talk” getting negative and spiraling downward. If/when you notice you’re putting yourself down, call your spirit back. Don’t let your energy feed into the negative. Tell your spirit something like, “Oh, no you don’t. You come right back here! You know that’s not true. I am worth my weight in gold, and you KNOW I deserve the best God/the Universe has to offer. etc etc. …” I did this for the first time the other day, and it really worked. But it does take conscious effort, first to notice the trend, then to be REALLY firm to get your spirit to listen.

    As far as dreams, I have heard of changing the outcome, but don’t know anything on that line. I’ve never known one of mine to “foretell” anything, but they do filter the day and symbolically tell me what’s going on inside. A few of my dreams this past year, for instance, had to do with cars, but my focus a lot of times was on who was driving: who’s in charge of my life, really? People don’t always remember dreams, so I wouldn’t worry about it. However, if this is bothering you greatly, I agree that meditation may help. Go back to the dream you changed, perhaps, and just ponder its meaning, what happened, etc. If you don’t feel safe about doing so on your own, find a trusted friend or counselor, and, with or without someone else there, approach it little at a time, maybe even journal it. And by all means, don’t be afraid of any emotions that come up. You’ve already survived the actual occurrence. You’re here now, you’re safe. You can do this.

  125. thanks again jenny and kathy i will try that with some free time. and scott i saw yours and started to think about how young she is. not that its a bad thing but you may want to take a step back and think. we tend to find love later in life… she is just turning 20 right. think about it a friendship till later could clear things up for you. and watch your emotions and dont let it get to you. pasionce is a vertue. sorry i know that is spelled wrong lol. but really stick around and let her choice be the answer. it may or maynot work out. my grandparents have a 12 year age gap and they are happly married. its all up to the 2 of you.

  126. I agree w/Scott. Too tired for a full reply, but from what I’ve read briefly from the Chinese zodiac, your two signs are not well suited AND it says the attraction is not long lasting. Give it time, just like any non-occultist would advise. If it’s real, she’s not going anywhere, and neither shall you. If you are no longer in an objective mode, find a good friend who is not a yes-man to help you evaluate this later. ttfn

  127. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Steven and Kathy; patients I can do, I’m not in a hurry, she’s the first person I’ve found myself interested in, in a good while so being patient can’t hurt… I know very little about Chinese astrology but I’ve never got along so well with anyone under the same western star sign as me before so I asumed it must have been more related to our years. I’m curious now, I will have to do some investigating.
    Letting her make the choice sounds good too… detatchment and patients? 2 virtues at once!? *flex* I think I can handle that :p

    I had thought talking to myself was more related to my experinces than a personality trait.. Makes me feel a whole lot more normal to hear others share this. I’m a very fluent speaker and learning a second language has added to that, I do remember having difficulty learning to speak my mind originally though, but working in a team environment changed that and really opened alot of doors.
    I find when I don’t get the chance to engage in some good converstaion with people on my level, I will speak with personalites that I have been able to engage with in my head because it’s more stimulating than talking to people I don’t relate to; even more so if I have things I’d like to express to someone but for some reason I cannot, I will end up in a long conversation repeating the same things until I feel I have expressed exsaclty what and how I wanted to, it then almost feels like I’ve had a responce.
    I think it’s unhealthy to do too much of this though, there have been times when I’ve had few friends and done this too much and it’s resulted in a cut off feeling from humanity and community; I can become quite cold making it harder yet to make friends.

    Steven your changing dream experince is really interesting…. I’d assume others born in this cusp would share similar dreaming experinces which are not only very vivid but packed with intence feeling, being cut off from that doesn’t sound fun; I have had an experince which reminds me of this;
    I was once really into a hip hop scene and with some friends we would quite often freestyle socially for many years expressing different ideas, thoughts, views and playing with expression though style, however an experince led to me become completly unable to express myself though this medium anymore. I preformed during a group freestyle session about 4 minutes of expression which felt like a perfect expression of how I felt about myself and the world arround me, I came to then end of that freestyle not becuase I had no new ideas, or because someone else was wanting to come in, it’s was more like I had nothing else to say, infact the session stopped there becuase no one had anything to say after it. Your dream experince seems almost just like that to me, it almost felt like I reached a place which I shouldn’t have attained, for a long while it affected my ability to express myself at all even though my character. I have slowly started enjoying expression again through many mediums but it has taken a good while and I’ve had to go backwards to go forward. I hope that the other mediums to your spiritual side will help you get this part of your life flowing again. Spiritually writings from the Bahai Faith have been a great source of enlightenment for me. Good luck.

  128. I can identify with a lot of the numbness expressed by different people.With me,I think some of it is a mild depression,as i alternate between being sensitive and aloof.Not overly ambitious,but with both mercury and jupiter in my first house,I am a budding writer.Would love to be published some day by a major house.Have written about 80 poems some of which have been published online and in anthologies.I am very curious and straight forward but do not have that scientific bent which describes most Aquarians.I was born on January 23rd.I seem to be a mix of contradiction,both traditional and modern.

  129. Yeah, ive felt the numbness too. Most times I prefer it. I seem to be able to detach from a friend as if I dont even know them, give up all contact and move on. Kinda the same way with relationships. Exception to that rule, when I dated 2 sagitarius. What a major mistake. Normally im controlled and reserved, but there is so much fire there and I have gotten burned twice.

    And the whole freedom aspect, I choose the wrong job. Trying to save the world, I joined the military. I lost rank twice for being stubbourn. Im surprised I made it 8 yrs. I have to warn woman I date that I dont think like the rest of the world. I would call myself eccntric, and the random thoughts that cross my mind. I have been called crazy. Like the night I stayed up thinking about Snozberriers from willy wonka. I wouldnt lick them if I were you.

    Ive been told im cold as well. By a libra. Its not that I didnt care about her, I just hold everything in, and they wanted me to release it.


  130. Heidi Lynn Arthur

    I am the woman who satan hates with all of his fury. Revelation 12 is the literal discription of my life from the time that I found out that I was pregnant with my first son. He is now 3 years old and God has removed him from me and I am awaiting the two wings of a great eagle to take me to the wilderness for 1,260 days. I have found an image of Jesus coming with the clouds and I am 1 of the witnesses to that prophecy, which makes satan louth me so. I have bore my first born who will shepard all the nations with an iron rod. One of his names is Azariah, my proudest moment will be the day this prophecy leads to the finish of the firey dragon. I am trusting god with all of my faith to protect my seed that satan persues. The Last Days we now are living. Cling to your faith, pray to the almighty Jehovah for forgiveness for your sins and start living by the “GOOD” instinct. Stop thinking that you will never see the day that Jesus returns will never come, because it is here and there are no more chances. Have faith in me my children, god will reunite us. Because we are under the protection of the King of kings. Worldly kings have no authority over him. Never lose faith in me, because I will never lose faith in you. God needs me right now, but I will return to mother you once more after I am done helping to fulfill his prophecy. I pinky promise, I will never stop fighting for my loved ones. I must save as many souls as I can. By doing so God will smile pleasingly upon my children. Never believe the lies that people will say about me. Do not become ashamed of your mother. Be proud instead. Paradise is just around the corner.

    The image from the hubble telesacope called angel or Rebel Angel is Jesus returning to finally wipe out every tear from our eye. If you look within the wings of that image, you will see the four living creatures, the man, the lion, in the right wing. In the left wing the young bull and the eagle. The brightest twinkling stars are the 7 golden lampstands and the lower lite twinkling stars are the 24 older persons.

    Have faith as I do. I have not abandon you, I will return when I am finished with my holy works.

    I was born to do this. My birthday falls on the aquarian/capicorn cusp in the year of the dragon. January 20, 1976. God inspires me in my everyday life, like that of the prophets of old. I do not care that some will call me crazy because those without faith, those name callers will be hurled into the firey pit along with Satan, the original serpent.

    My good name has been defiled along with my family and both have been scattered to the wind. I am honest, they call me a lier. I do not steal, they call me a theif, I am a good loving mother, they call me an abusive/neglectful mother. I do not cheat, they call me a whore. I do good, they accuse me of doing bad. I do everything I can, they say I have done nothing. God will give me and my family justice. However, this justice will not be through any earthly court.

  131. Well that was certainly an interesting read, Indeed the old cycle has come to an end and the prophesied era where Jesus would return from behind clouds astrologically is now. The age of the Aquarian, the old religions and intuitions of those religions are no longer providing a value/belief system that works for this age.

    The latest Zeitgeist documentary is really interesting it scientifically points out how a belief/value system is really what is required now for mankind to move out of it’s childhood, of course being scientist they don’t label that requirement as “Religion”

    There was a book, I think it was called Thief in the night, it details the prophecy of the return of Jesus and how his coming would be like a thief in the night because so many people are looking with preconceived visions of his return (not only Christians have this prophecy but many other religions and spiritual beliefs) they would not even recognise him when he comes. I think being extreme or too attached to any one idea or religion in this age would in fact hinder ones ability to recognise His coming.

    According to my understanding of what the Prophets have detailed about Their Purpose is that it’s not only to provide a belief and value system for mankind to live by but They in fact also channel a spiritual connection between God and man, even after leaving physical existence, so if the new cycle has in fact begun as according to prophecies everyone on this Earth would be connecting spiritually through this new channel already. I think it’s pretty important in this age to be open and receptive to everything that is good, a focus on the opposites seems like nothing more than a barrier to me. Without hope, belief and openess one only lives in the past.

    Anyway just sharing some thoughts because I found your post quite amusing Heidi, thanks.

    We arn’t cold, we a revolutionist… where relationships become stagnant and ceases to grow detached personalities will just move on because it was the living nature of that connection that was important… If we wish to learn to keep relationships we need to learn how to keep them healthy like a plant, water sunshine growth and boundaries, a wee bit of trimming of the plant if it gets too wild, not all personalities are as forward moving as Capriquariuses. I’ve moved away from many close friends but if moving on and starting again is the cost of the unique and amazing connection I’ve had with them it well and truly compensates for all the lonely times between.

  132. Your insight into the new spirituality is wonderful Exzul1, than kyou it gives me hope. I was born January 19 and have always had a difficult life resisting injustice on a personal level and getting myself in to trouble for speaking up for others and for trying to look after my own needs.I cant get the balance right and struggle to keep going. I find that when I put my own needs first things go wrong, when i forget my needs things go wrong too, but what is true is that I get allot of spiritual strength and always have done even from my earliest memories, just when i feel like giving up I get encouragement, like from your post, and from some sort of inner guide , I do think something or one guides us all if we are willing to listen . Being on the cusp must mean we have to balance ourselves or the world will balance us the hard way, I am still learning but a bit like tightrope walking I think it might all come down to trust and simple living just the pole the rope and ones core belief. Heidis story is an amazing one I just hope that she can keep the balance right

  133. Exzul1, I appreciate your response, and would request a reply here, some help, please. I read Thief in the Night long ago and after 29 years, recently withdrew from the Faith. I could not reconcile my renewed “belief” in occult matters (incl. astrology) with a more religious view. My 2nd husband left me, and everything, including faith went with him. I struggle. I still feel some sort of belief, but no connection. 😦 Even saying it that way seems wrong, as I know I have spirit guides helping me, and I acknowledge their presence. Let’s just say I seem to have lost the ability to pray; I don’t know what/who I’m praying to anymore. It bothers me. This is soooo off topic; I apologize to the other readers.

  134. I’m touched by the request and more than happy to share some thoughts, I’m sure you’re aware spiritual matters are similar to dream interpretations in that it’s a very individual and personal journey.
    I’m also sure you’re already aware of the fact that we all go through cycles of good and bad times; it’s a part of development. Things can get worse and worse in bad times pressing us more and more until we overcome our challenges. I personally believe repeople who face great challenges are often people with great potential.

    Bear with me, I’m simply sharing some thoughts, and I know it won’t be exactly what you’re looking for. But I hope it will be helpful none the less.
    A couple of things came to mind when I read your post. One of them being something I wrote a long time ago when I was 19 after I’d been through what at that time felt like a cycle, I knew little at this point, I was washed up after some amazing experiences, and this is what I wrote in reflection.

    The fire of desire brightly attracts all, many stay amused while some grow tall.
    Just a little higher the wind will fall, lifting us to places never felt before.
    Water to return us again, to Earth from whence we came.
    Amused once again by the forgotten fire, while inside longing to be lifted higher. (well it was something like that)

    I more recently discovered a passage that refers to the life of the spirit being like a bird, it can fly and soar at great heights, but the bird is limited it must land and when it lands it’s wings can become dirty preventing it from gaining flight again.

    This passage really moved me because I have felt so ashamed at times of low expecting myself to be who I was, this passage really got in my face and helped me to realise, I am human, I will land, and my wings may get dirty and there’s no reason to be ashamed of this… It’s a natural part of the life of the spirit and I can’t always expect myself to be soaring over the Earth like I have felt I have done at times.
    I feel that at times of landing, we may not feel the same connection we felt while soaring but that doesn’t mean our soaring spirit isn’t there… it’s merely transformed into a land dwelling form and simply looking up at the sky where we once were isn’t the answer to gaining flight again.
    I would think… being in a simpler form, we must take a simple approach, detach a little from our beliefs, (they always remain with us, what was true will always be true, but our understanding of the truth can always expand); a focus on the simple things… our actions, connections with people around us, and just live in the moment, how even a walk through a forest or some exercise can really make us feel centred… Many times I have been down and cared not for myself, but in meeting someone, and getting to know them and really appreciating their qualities, (their best points that they don’t even see themselves) has really lifted me, and it’s more the love for them that I have lifted myself… Love really is so important it binds us all together, we are nothing alone. Suffering a loss of love is without doubt one of the most challenging things in life, especially in that having suffered this loss makes it difficult to love again because of the pain we have suffered… We naturally shut off and protect ourselves for getting hurt again by simply… not loving. (I’m not talking about just partner relationships here of course)

    Well I’ve rambled about cycles and other stuff that you’re already aware of because I felt that perhaps the challenges you’ve faced with your beliefs could be associated with the other challenges in life which have come about because you were destined to discover more, and going though these experiences is what’s required to do so… I feel that naturally as you continue to make steps though the cycle your questions and challenges regarding your beliefs and whom it is you’re praying to will be discovered.

    If you are a seeker of truth, it is said that it is most important to have an empty cup, (this is what I see a breakdown of one’s beliefs is, emptying of the cup) not because your acquired knowledge is wrong but because it can hinder you from discovering more. This and a pure heart clean of hate.

    Well I hope these thoughts can be helpful to you in some way, I more so hope that there will be some wonderful people in your local community who will become close to you and those connections will help you move through this difficult time… and they could be anyone, I find it most amazing when I meet someone who has had no opportunities in life, yet within them are the greatest qualities.

  135. 01/24/96′
    I’d say there’s definitely a few up there that describe me:
    “09. This cusp are tolerant and broad-minded, they tend to stick to their beliefs. Their intellect makes them logical and self-confident, but it may also make them aloof from the people around them. They are original, offbeat and even eccentric, but they are also rather bored by detail.”
    “14. They are unique and rebellious, driven to change the world. Their freedom is important to them, and they are often driven to help others become free as well.”
    “16. The great strength of the Capricorn/Aquarius is in their ability to set goals and keep working until they achieve them. Their ambition is inexhaustible, and they are not easily deterred when their goals are in sight.”
    well, that is a few of them from up there^^

  136. I’m 01/16/87′ and it’s creepy how accurate this is. I use to think I was bipolar, but recently I’ve discovered it’s just the combination of Capricorn and Aquarius. Like mentioned above, I do find myself alternating between Capricorn and Aquarius traits hourly and sometimes yearly. Two years ago I was a vegan hippie organizing drum circles living with friends and working in a t-shirt printing company and now I’m a very goal oriented career minded manager in the field of property management working my way up the corporate ladder. I’m forever changing. I go through friends and relationships because I’m never consistent and it makes people crazy. I do agree with the comment of finding Gemini’s and Sag’s balancing. All of my friends are either of the two. I’ve only been in love once and still am with a Pisces/Aries cusp. He’s seems to be the only one that can effectively deal with my crazy 🙂

  137. I’m glad I stumbled upon this site. I do feel alone although I have hundreds of aquaintances and a dozen very close friends. I fall in love with Aries guys regularly. I just can’t live with them.

    I feel like I’m not alone when I read the posts here.

  138. Very accurate description overall and other people’s comments resonate too. Scott I am 19.1. and my man is 22.1. too, although different years. He is also 12 years older then me but we are both dragons!There is a very strong attraction and connection between us. I feel as if I found someone with same the style of thinking and we both agree that we fulfill each other on all levels. We enjoy very deep intellectual conversations, we are both adventurous, spiritual, creative, original, independent and business minded. We are just not very good at expressing our emotions (although we would not like too much of it anyway).

    Have you told your girl how you feel?I am very good at hiding how I feel and I do not like to put my emotions out there because I don’t like to feel vulnerable. I have to be in control, somehow I feel as if expressing too much emotion is a weakness (probably from difficult childhood). The only way I would open up a bit more would be if the other partner did it first. Good luck with everything!

  139. My birthdate is January 18, 1959. I just ended an on again off again relationship with an aries man who is much younger than me. I would love to meet and marry someone and settle down. My Capricorn side is sensible and dependable whereas my Aquarian side is carefree or free spirited and independent. I fall in love and keep the man in my heart for awhile until I need my freedom, and then I wonder off and start a new relationship before I have given the last relationship a chance to flourish. I also heard that Taurus is compatible with the caprarian. I usually don’t ask the guy what about his sign. After about 20 relationships in 7 years I am willing to look at signs. I would like to meet a guy that understands my nature and he can live with me as I am. I met one guy who wanted to date me after my divorce from my first husband. I was healing from the breakup and I was not ready to date. He eventually met another woman and married her. He is the only one with enough patience and tolerance for my personality. I am hopeful I will find another.

  140. Jus like Aaliyah.Describes her perfectly and me 2!

  141. yeah got me right on the nail Jan 19,1984

  142. im january 19 ❤ i luv it

  143. 1/20 birthday and this is spot on! i have been in a relationship for about 6 years now and am still not sure that i am in love with him. i love him, but on the other hand i love alot of people. my question is whether i’m “in love” with him. i don’t feel like i would hurt at all if he was to leave except for the side of me that feels like i’m “supposed” to be in a relationship (traditional).

    i thought i was insane or some sort of sociopath….maybe i am, but it sure feels good to know that i’m not the only one

  144. It sounds like you are very developed being who doesn’t rely on relationships in a co-dependent way

  145. Really? Then how does a healthy relationship feel? Are you saying that splitting up from a healthy relationship doesn’t/won’t hurt? Or that there is no blush of excitement when s/he’s near? I’m stoic, and don’t show much on the outside, and … sometimes… barely feel [love] on the inside. That bothers people, and something I’ve had to come to terms with: life isn’t Hollywood, what we’ve come to believe is “normal” or “traditional”. But if you can just shrug someone off and go on your way untouched, I agree: Is this really love? Interested in your take.

  146. Very truee! I was born January 19. I’m currently in high school and am thinking about a career that is both secure but gives me freedom. I’ve turned to maybe studying biomedical communications, as it combines science and art and you’ll probably get to learn a lot!

  147. Born on Jan 19 and this is very eye opening! I’ve had a great childhood, none of the craziness, no numbness, don’t fit any stereotype, but I did finally come to the realization that I was a Lesbian and being partly the strict cap that was hard to digest, yet the aqui side was so happy and ready for it. Sooooooooooooooooooo I have a question….given this cusp situation, what signs really would understand and appreciate us????? Aries are TOO stubborn and selfish, Virgo’s are an emotional roller coaster, and Taurus are earthy but a bit boring for those of us on the cusp!!! Scorpio’s are TOO secretive and past the sexual, there isn’t much….PLEASE HELP!! Any thoughts?????? Thanks!!

  148. First thing to do is quit generalizing. I’m a CapriQuarian and who’d have thought I might find a partner in an Aries. Second thing you might do is find out your Descendant sign, (opposite your rising), whatever the sign is that is on your 7th house cusp. That along with your Mars (or Venus, if you see yourself as the “masculine” in a relationship), will tell you what to look for in a relationship and in a partner, respectively. There’s more to look at, but that should give you a general idea. Sag is my descendant, so I need someone who’s “firey” and philosophical. My new friend is very Aries, sun in the 9th house of philosophy and religion. Good luck.

  149. 1/20/98 Yep sounds like me….but I always thought I was better as a Capricorn, and my best friend is Aqurious (sp?) and she yells at me I’m the same as her. So happy now I can be called Capriquious.

  150. I was born jan 18th 1989 and i feel so lost between being a capricorn and aquarius. Capricorns are head strong organized and neat.Im not neat organized but I am organized. I love people and im very a child i fit the capricorn i made all A’S in school and I was in all the clubs and orghanizations..but as I got older I became easily influenced by my surroundings attempting to fit im older im struggling in nursing school at 23 but im determined to make it. I am emotional..and when I get angry I release a wrath no one can control..I really dont understand my personality.

  151. Hey, Michelle,
    While I always suggest you see a qualified astrologer, here’s my take on your situation.
    Your Sun is in Capricorn, so yes, you work toward your goals, but oddly enough, you may not have much confidence in yourself. Your ruling planet, Saturn, restricts the Aquarian side of you that likes to think outside the box. You are on track to satisfy Aquarius’ need to make a difference in the world, and Capricorn doesn’t mind the work, but you have a Gemini Moon which means you get bored easily, as you indicated, saying you were involved in “all the clubs and organizations” when you were younger. With both Moon and Mercury in air signs, you have a strong need to communicate, and to keep [things] moving! Gemini Moons have a hard time keeping still, mentally or physically. Capricorn may have enabled you to ace classes in your younger years, but school also allowed you to be involved in other arenas, like being a part of clubs and other activities. This may be what’s missing in your current surroundings. Your Mars is in Aries, and makes me wonder if you prefer being in charge. Were you a leader in the clubs? Could this be where you’re experiencing some anger and frustration?
    If you went straight from school to college/nurses training, it may be you are emotionally drained, thereby making it hard to concentrate, and Mars is venting about it, or about being a student and not in a lead position. Also, if you are over stimulated and/or tired you need some quiet time. You may be past due for a break, and just a weekend won’t do it.
    If you are able to take a break, (summer break?) take the time to question which branch of health care you truly want to be in: the steady family clinic, the never a dull moment hospital work, making discoveries through lab work, or research and development? How about nutrition or homeopathy? Let your Gemini Moon and Aquarian Mercury question potential outlets and authority, and discover which path will enable you to take advantage of all your wonderful qualities.

  152. Kathy..this advice was so correct I work hard towards my goals but once faced with a challenge or obstacle..i Give up or began to fail. Im so confused as to what type pf personality I am..My exterior is strong..but im a weeping willow..crying so fiance is Capricorn born on Christmas Dec 25..and He seems so bossy to me and never lets me make decisions and it makes me feel so weak in the relationship..but I know he is a true capricorn..we always argue about him being bossy and trying to tell me what to do and treating me like a kid..right now im sitting out but will return to nursing school i the fall..i failed last term im determined not to fail this term..i hope my capricorn side will come into effect

  153. Michelle,
    There is nothing to be confused about concerning your personality. We are all more than just a sun sign! In a chart there are 10 planets, 12 signs and 12 houses to consider. (We are complex people.)

    Don’t belittle yourself. If your Sun is in Capricorn, you ARE a Capricorn… just as much as your fiance. Your Venus is also Capricorn. It’s Cap that keeps you strong on the outside. Your Gemini Moon, however, wants someone to talk to, someone who believes in you and supports you. (Does he? really?) You want to feel heard and understood. (Are you? really?) Your arguments should tell you something.

    Capricorn may not mind the grind of daily living, and we put up with a lot, but your emotions (Moon) are Gemini, and you crave diversity. Sounds like he’s stopping you from living how YOU want. You say he treats you like a little girl. Are you letting him? Repeat after me: I am a woman. (again) Wo-man! (repeat as needed) — You have hopes and dreams, things you want to do, etc. Being a little girl isn’t one of them.

    Your fiance chooses his behavior, Michelle, and YOU choose whether or not to be with and/or stay with him. Love will not fix the way he treats you, neither will marriage… and continuing to butt heads won’t help either. Been there, done that. (i.e. voice of experience, here)

    I’m glad to know you’re on break from school. You say you’re crying inside. Listen to the tears. Your fiance doesn’t “seem” bossy, Michelle: he IS bossy. To him, you are not his equal; he offers no respect; he’s belittling and attacking you and your mental capacities (decision-making, etc.)

    My guess is that, though is school tough, you’re struggling in school because your home/love life is a mess. The tears may signal a pending nervous breakdown, too much on your plate to deal with. Michelle, I can’t guide you as an astrologer, I don’t have enough info, and I wouldn’t want to make the decision for you, but as a woman… sometimes we have to say ‘no’ to someone we love dearly. Been there, done that, too. Believe me! I don’t say that lightly!! But you already know this isn’t how you want to be treated, or you wouldn’t be crying. What surroundings could you possibly be *wanting* to fit into?– Wish we could speak privately. Kathy

  154. Carrie Fardella

    January 20th, lol this sounds alot like me

  155. 01.20 and this is TOTALLY me. its surreal to see others express the same sentiment

  156. prashal goyal

    I was born on 16/01/1990. I seem to hv a lot of ambition and dreams, but feel I dont have the courage to follow them. Kindly suggest something

  157. Dear Prashal, I looked up the planets for 1/16/90, and I think if you know something about your Moon sign you may find [some of] the courage you seek. The Moon represents how you feel, not think. Your Moon sign is Virgo. Among other things, Virgo Moon can be practical, efficient, disciplined and organized. Virgo Moons need to feel in control and each of these traits is a form of control.

    What people don’t realize is that each sign’s traits may also be unskillfully applied. E.g., Capricorns are said to be “authoritative.” I don’t see that in myself, but “bossy”? Absolutely! Thus also, it is possible that you portray your Virgo Moon when you are being critical, self-deprecating, and worrisome, petty, skeptical, or trivial. Virgo has a tendency to tell you what’s wrong with you… down to the minutest detail, if you’re not careful. It’s possible that you catch yourself (and others) doing something wrong several times a day, whether or not you’re trying!

    My first suggestion, then, is to listen to your inner conversation. Use your inner critic to your advantage, and try this game to turn things around. Ask yourself, are you being picky, or paying attention to detail? Are you skeptical or discriminating? Are you a workaholic or disciplined? Above all, be honest with yourself! All things in moderation.

    Virgos are also perfectionists. You said yourself you don’t have courage to follow your dreams. If you fear your inner critic, if you fear failure, why try at all? It’s safer to maintain the status quo. Yet without risk, you also release, not reach, your dreams. My next suggestion is to strive for excellence, not perfection. Laugh at your mistakes. In fact, you can use the Virgo trait of analyst, here. Mistakes are learning experiences. Use them! They are set-backs, not catastrophes. Do your best, and be proud of what you accomplish.

    Third, and lastly, allow your Virgo Moon to feel in control by plotting out the steps toward your dreams. Make an outline, list your method(s), plot your time frame (give yourself mini-goals/deadlines), analyze your progress, keep an organized work space, etc. Your Capricorn self may appreciate it. When it’s time for input (or outside criticism), be open to suggestions. Remind yourself that you control whether to adopt, adapt, or abandon any idea. Even if you detour, you can still be going forward, and you may feel more at ease with this general sense of control in your life.

    Hope this helps.

  158. prashal goyal

    THanks Kathy. Your reply makes a lot of sense. maybe its the virgo which causes me to be so critical of myself. But curiously I snap back whenever someone else criticizes me, even though I can see that the criticim is that due to virgo as well??

    BTW….thanks for taking all the trouble to look into my moon sign to help me out. Really appreciate that

  159. Jan 20th 1984 is my bday. I am an absolute mess right now in my life. Completely soul searching and i cant believe im not the only one.

  160. Prashal, I’m not sure (without a complete chart) that the Virgo would make you defend yourself from others’ criticism. Sounds more like Capricorn. — Glad I could help.


    here it is.

    ( I know i’m coming across as desperate, but your analysis was spot on.Maybe u can help me discover some things about myself using astrology. I’m too nervous to approach an astrologer personally, difficult to distinguish fake ones from real.U seem to know what u r saying.)

  162. wow!!! this all makes sense to me. I was born on January 22nd and im 20 years old and i was looking around for an idea of why it is difficult for me to find a college major that i could see myself doing. one of the sites explained that capricorns and aquarius’s are bound to have jobs that are only around 35,000 a year because we are so passionate about jobs that let our ideas roam free. it was realistic at first because i wanted to do investigation and i know starting off in this career, i will make a lil less than 35,000 as expected. However, i love careers in the health care and would like a job that pays more and i can actually be a mother and wife at the end of the day. So im a lil torn right now about being an investigator and having a intriguing career in that field. or taking a more traditional approach to have financial stablity and be a family person. i read somewhere else that capricorns could make great dentist and aquarius make great investigators(go figure!) so im a lil taking back. any suggestions????? im driving myself crazy. oh, and i also have a real talent in acting and singing and would actually would love to do that as a career, but realistically my chances of being famous with profession are slim so i just dropped that major here at my college. wow am i confused! help!:( lol

  163. oh..and just another thought with relationships. since my bday is on the 22nd of January im an aquarius with certain capricorn characteristics. i tend to be attracted to taurus all the time and it seems that i get approached by taurus’s alot. i know aquarius are not supposed to date taurus because we can be too much alike which is very true but i cant escape taurus’s in any way. its like the challenges my sign and taurus face are very appealing and i have to admit that even though me and my taurus ex are thru and moved on. we both find ourselves trying to someone always stay connected to each other. we love each other even though it seems toxic for us to stay together over various reasons. could it be possible that the capricorn in me is the reason why i have a crazy attraction to a taurus man?

  164. Prashal, Thanks for the encouragement, as I recently passed my Astrology exam. I’ve been getting such wonderful feedback from people, I am now building an astrology website.

    To draw up an accurate chart, I need your place of birth and time of birth (don’t forget to designate a.m. or p.m.). I didn’t want to request it of you as I don’t think posting that information here is necessarily a good thing. But maybe that’s just me. I’ll leave that decision to you, but if you prefer, my [astrology-only] e-mail is:


  165. DONE 🙂

  166. “genius that borders on insanity,” im a 1/18 capricorn but i have but told this several times by friends….. HOORAY FOR THE CUSP!

  167. This site has been an interesting read and helpful….@Kathy you have given a lot of insight….;) you go girl! !!! But maybe you can help me… my bday is 1/21/76…. of course like most I have had a rough up bringing but with that it has taught me to be strong but maybe that’s the problem… I always feel like I give more than I receive in a lot of my relationships and no one ever seems to understand where I’m coming from or trying to go….

  168. Please Help need more understandjng!!!

  169. I can look up something general for you to post here, takila, but if you want/need something more specific, you’ll need to go to my website: — It will tell you how to get hold of me for a private consultation. — I look forward to hearing from you, either way. 😉

  170. Just an fyi, too: This isn’t my blog. I’m a commentator/CapriQuarian like the rest of you. Glad I can help. 🙂

  171. I was born on January 19, 1995. Can’t believe how many people share my birthday! I think we’re all pretty unique, if you ask me. (:

    I had a pretty good childhood, but somewhere along the lines I ended up suffering from a bit of depression, maybe after realizing the way my family does things, esp. the maternal influence… I tell myself to put on a happier, positive face these days, but I do feel that my “ups and downs” go at a larger wavelength than most if ya know what I mean. ;P

    I can’t decide whether I’m overbearingly sensitive or completely aloof of the people around me! It’s like I think I’m totally in love, and then the next minute… nothing. /: Hrm. I wonder if I will ever marry someone with this sorta attitude.

    I also have no idea what kind of career it is I want… Do I want to express myself? Will I be original enough for any creative endeavours? Or should I just stick to stability and work hard for a job in sciences or medicine…? Well, whatever it is us Cap-Aq. cusps choose, I’m sure we can excel in it… O:

    Anyway, really cool to have stumbled on this site! So blessed to know that I’m not the only one who feels a little off-beat. ^^”

  172. Anthony Leatham

    18 Jan 1963 here
    Reading all these comments has made me (almost) cry with relief; traditional, I.m surrounded by 1950s furniture. Multi-talented creative; to the point of tearing me apart, disconnected; great for people-watching, but all the time? Childlike that’s 18th Janners. The Capricorn side is exasperated with the Aquarian’s unpredictability and quirky eccentricity, and the Aquarian side hates boring stuffy old Capricorn. and never the twain shall meet. Very psychic and am able to learn all about tradition to know what stale boundaries need changing, definitely gatekeepers of our respective traditions no wonder we feel don’t quite belong. The Irish knew the magical power of ‘the space in between’. Bloody lonely though!

    I saw a episode of Star Trek Voyager once where Balana Tores, who is half human, half Klingon, was put in a machine that separated her two halves into to whole people, one humane and one extremely angry…like my bloody-minded workaholic meeting my flaky hippy.

  173. January 8, 1971 here! Some of it fits . . . some of it doesn’t. It is more how life treats our sign that determines the end result not the other way around.

  174. Hello all,

    Wow, it feels so nice to find my own people!!! I think we should come together and form a club or something. 🙂 🙂

    I am born on 21st of january and like many of you, it also took me a lot of time to figure out what the hell I am made up of… I am not from U.S. though.

    I had a comfortable childhood (as my parents always said) but constantly in fight with them. And at school, in constant fight with authorities. I came too close to get disciplinary punishments a few times. I was a rebel most of the times for trying to correct something unjust but sometimes for no apparent reason, other than getting the authorities angry or agitated. And at night, I just would give a party if I was able to get the Dean crazy on that particular day. 🙂 🙂

    I started at the medicine school and dropped out to get into an arts department called communication and design. Then I had another degree in graphic design and finally a Ph.D. in a literature-oriented field in U.S. Then I ended up being a teacher/academician in a fine arts department in my own country.

    While this entire journey was crazy enough, it also took crazy hard work to switch between the disciplines and catch up with the material. And for most of which, I literally had no pre-preparation.

    And in human relations, I worked at three different places in all of which I had much difficulty trusting my colleagues and getting good grips with people. In the first place, I just resigned after a few months time because I was so sure that my colleagues were about to do something behing my back. In the very last place, I also quitted after four months time because I was brought to the position of supervisor after the first three weeks time and I was so sure that my juniors were pulling something behind my back. Especially, the country in which I live, the working environment is so full of intrigues and tricks. But actually when I was in U.S. I felt exactly the same in the office I used to work for.

    But in the very last office, my colleagues convinced me that they were not planning anything behind my back. And they all wanted me to come back saying that it was all made up on my mind.

    In the work environment, we are seriously hard-working capricorns who cannot stand still unless we are the supervisors. And sometimes, it even feels good to yell at our juniors to make them understand that we are leading the place. But on the next day, when the Aquarian is on the scene, we feel so bad for yelling at another person because we know that on inside, it comes from the fact that we, ourselves, are so bored and under-appreciated in the work we are doing and he is just a human-being after all.

    It is a seriously lonely and painful journey to carry out those two opposite sides within oneself, I think! At the end of the day, I usually find my nerves overwrought with this struggle in my own self!

    And in love relationships, if I can overcome my shyness when I talk with a girl, although I am very interested in long-term relations, I usually give the impression that I ask for a one-night-stand! That is why I usually make the serious girls run away! But I do this very unconsciously, I think!

    And yes, we obviously are revolutionaries but our perfectionist nature make us believe that no revolution is ever possible without the very last human-being on earth can be saved and made understood that a completely total change is inevitable. (Believe me, I hanged up with a lot revolutionaries and found out that most of them are nothing more than dummies!)

    So, to put the long story short, I think we are people made up for the service sector (meaning we like to serve to people, the clerk-like nature of capricorn and the humanitarian aquarius addes up perfectly for this kind of job – and that is why I chose to be a teacher I think – while my first option was being a doctor) but then we have a creative side in us that strikes up a lot. The creative side ENLARGES the EGO but the service sector needs people with SMALLER EGO (because hierarchy is an asset, you should be getting along nice with your superiors and juniors etc. so nobody is really valueable but the institutions!). I THINK THIS IS OUR MAIN CONTRADICTORY STRUGGLE! BIG OR SMALL EGOS?

    That is why we look so lunatic and aloof, detached, almost half-dead but at the same time, so down to earth and can explain how everything is working in the world much better than anyone else! I think this big or small ego is something that comes and goes inside of us a lot! One day, I feel like the entire world is going so smooth and I am just a tiny part of the universe but on the next day, I feel like I want to stand on top of it all in order to change it entirely!!!

    And another quiet serious problem with me is that when I have a goal in my mind, it turns out to be my only life ambition. I focus on it so much that the rest of the world just disappears. And I cannot even feel like myself until I reach it. But when I reach it, it loses its entire value and I feel like I have to switch to something else. That is why I have been changing jobs and disciplines so swiftly in the past!

    And secondly, I think we have egos (whether big or not) but they do not belong to us! And our journey on this earth is to find out to whom or to where it belongs! And until that time, I do not think there will be a rest in our soul. This is the clay we are made up of!

    This writing here really felt like a threapy for me! What do ya people, say to my idea of forming a club? 🙂 🙂 🙂


    Caba Ka

  175. Wow. I have literally been reading all the comments for most of this afternoon and can honestly say It’s made my day. It’s like this has turned into a giant room of Capriquarians from all walks of life, chatting, supporting each other, and even telling our life tales (which I might do… I was surprised that so many of us had so much to say. It’s inspiring that we’ve all come together like this.)

    Ok, so technically I may not even be a cusper. One of the many perks of being adopted from foreign countries. I was apparently born on Jan. 2nd, except my love to explore, sometimes super chatty and screw tradition self is anything but Capricorn. Considering I can relate to just about everything here, I believe In my cuspiness.

    I can totally relate to the numb feeling everyone’s getting at. It’s like a black hole of emptiness and that I can’t seem to shake. I tend to see people as either “my kinda friend, neutral, or you are so obviously not the kind of person I want to hang with” and categorize them within the first or second interaction. It’s rather tragic, but my walls are steel and spiked.

    Like so many of you, I am also terrible with relationships. In all my 15 years, I have never had a good, close friend for more than a year. And not from boredom or lack of trying. They never seem to care as much and I change all the time due to the two opposite personalities stuck inside. I swear, I’m a living hurricane. I feel like people will never truly get me and even if they might have, I could never find the right words to make them understand. That being said, I’m also a fellow quiet, shy being. I’ve found myself having inner dialogues when I can’t approach the obnoxiously loud, laughing group, my lips even moving with the words (it’s quite pathetic.)

    And don’t even get me started on romance. I am extremely picky (probably so I won’t get hurt) and being a closet romantic, have waaay too many expectations for my possible prince. That plus having a hopeless fear of rejection equals zero true relationships (though I have gotten my heart broken. Brutally.) I getcha on the whole waiting for someone or something to happen, some drastic change that would change my life for the best. I think I might’ve found someone, but he doesn’t live nearby and so far has little interest in this messy stuff we call romance. Still, a girl can hope.

    Does anyone know how our sign fares with Cancer? I would give my birthday and birth time (Kathy, which by the way, it’s amazing how you have responded so sincerely to all those needing guidance. Same goes for Jenny and Exzul 1, you guys/girls rock!), but I sadly don’t know it. I’ve read that Cancers are the nurturers of the zodiac and the most emotional, but he is far from it.

    Well, I could go on and on and OOONNNNnnnn, but I doubt you want to read all that. To keep it short, all of this and more amounts to me being really lost and confused/frustrated with life right now and I would really love some advice (you gave your e-mail earlier, would it be okay it I message you Kathy? You seem really sincere and definitely an astrology genius). Caba Ka, it’d be shweeet if we got a Capriquarian club together! Reading all of this is therapy for me as well and it’s amazing to know you’re not the only crazy/complicated/conflicted person going through all this. While I doubt an actual in person club would work, maybe through Facebook or e-mail or something??

    Here’s my e-mail if we actually get this into reality (and by the way, if you ever need it, I’m happy to give you the best advice I can as well ^^)
    Thanks for reading and I wish everyone love, light and laughter (:

  176. I feel like I forgot a lot of stuff. For some reason it’s so much easier to open up to absolute strangers than those who love and care about us. Wonder why that is…

    I’ve had the de ja vu thing happen a few times when it feels like I had a dream about something happening and it actually does. The situation will happen and it seems like a dream I can vaguely remember. I’ve always wanted to change the world in some huge way except I haven’t the slightest idea for how to go about it. Make a giant international organization? But what would it DO?

    And my childhood’s been very trippy as well. No one mentioned it, but does it ever seem like you grew up too early, too soon? I sometimes feel like a walking confliction. When I’m alone, I absolutely hate it and long for friends, but after a while with friends, I wish they’d all go away and give me peace and quiet. I love adventure but need security, I think tradition is pure and should be treasured, but I want to break the constructs we’ve made and create something radically new. It’s absolutely insane.

    While I can’t articulate all my raging thoughts and am anything but stable, I truly hunger for someone who’d just listen and understand and appreciate me. A loyal friend. Except our sign has other ideas. I’m too sensitive, yet hate showing any weakness. I like to please others, but wish they’d ask what I want sometimes.

    It’s nice being super smart and good at mostly everything you try, but sometimes the pressure is unbearable. No one mentioned this either, but do you guys ever feel like exploding from expectations? I mean, it even says we’re supposeded to be visionaries. That’s a lot to live up to.

    I either have an ego (being so multi-talented does that to ya) or am crippling under insecurities. Lots of aquaintences, few, if any real friends. And love towards the end of life?! I need support, I need love to help with this struggle! It seems beautiful.

    I find it very difficult to trust others with my heart and soul. Since everyone never is who they seem, I always end up dying a little more when people hurt me.

    I guess all these hardships build character, but it seems pretty unbearable and unending.

  177. Hey, Emlly (or is it Emily?). Thank you for your kind comments. Anyone who wants to hire me to do a chart may feel free to contact me via my website, listed again below. And to put you all straight, THIS website is NOT mine. I’m the same, here, as any of you: just a commentator. But as of this past Spring when I took astrology classes, I certainly know more than I used to, and continue to study so that I can help out (here) on occasion. It does me a world of good to hear when my analysis is right on, and I’ve gotten a lot of that. Thank you for your confirmations.

    With all the encouraging remarks, I decided to create a website so that I wouldn’t have to “borrow” this one. Besides, for as open as we all are here, if I’m going to be of any real help, I believe a lot of the consultation should be private. Privacy allows for more personal topics to be explored, as well as simply more individualized attention. And I slip in some personal time with clients on chat, as well.

    Emlly, you say “in all your 15 years.” So, you’re 15 years old?

    I would be happy to do anyone’s chart. Emlly, give me what information you have, if you like, and we’ll go from there. Please refer to my website for pricing.

    My website is:

  178. This description may not fit you as much as it does others, treati, being your birthday is not within the “cusp” days when the inner planets have different angles to the Sun. On the other hand, you’re very correct. When we are born, the planets in their placements, have effect initially, but there are certainly effects that we CAN change. Our charts give us the “heads-up” concerning our in-born challenges and blessings, then it’s up to us to work them out.
    Love and LIght.

  179. This is so unbelievable! I’m literally surrounding by different versions of myself and I understand you all loud and clear!! This blog has had me captivated for hours! Jan 18, 84 here!

  180. Just gotta share my news, that I am so happy for!! As a Capricorn with a Gemini rising (which way should I go? So many things I love to do, and I get so easily distracted!) I finally got a reading with MY astrologer. He did some vocational astrology for me using asteroids. He found 2 amazing things: (1) a LOT of aspects point to my being an astrologer, and (2) several aspects point to my having a gift for manifesting, and for medium-ship! A medium himself, he encouraged me in this direction. “You probably have spirits trying to contact you, and you don’t even know it,” he said. But he especially encouraged me to be an astrologer. Also, looks like a solid, personal relationship is about 4-5 years in the future. Doesn’t mean I can’t date, just that right now is the time to focus on career, and start manifesting the future I want. — so, just fyi, I now accept paypal on my site: (I’ll talk to paypal about increasing font size on Monday.)

  181. 26 Jan

    I have a lot of conflicting yin and yang (positives and negatives / white and black) which essentially makes me grey.

    This is what my close relatives think about me:

    Assertive & Dominating but not Domineering.
    Patient, Persistent and Persuasive.
    Political Views – Authoritarian.
    Extremely Revengeful.
    Extremely Possessive.

    I think I have extremely Intense Emotions. Have been in love/hate kind of relationship with my GF, but never dated anyone else in my life. I married her. I am dedicated to her.

    I can’t bear poor people and especially old people getting hurt and suffering from hunger. I always try to feed them and help them whenever I can.

    I believe I am quite successful in my professional life. But I strive to become popular. I feel very satisfied when people call me expert.

  182. Defiantly fits me Cap/Aqua cusp Pisces Rising 1/19/89

  183. Another one here on January 18th with Aquarius rising too and Saturn in the 11th. I have been feeling numb as of the middle of 2008 in order to stop myself feeling completely angry and overwhelmed by all the disappointments and changes that have happened..I have been told I am very talented but none of it has been recognised or rather I have made silly decisions to walk away from the opportunities provided because of other considerations pressing on me. It seems almost like I am being asked to let go of any ego desires whatsoever! Does this ring true with anyone else?

  184. I’ve had to change my website’s name from Cosmic Connections to Mystic Dragonfly’s Astrologer. ( ) Devoted to helping when I can, my Capri-Quarian siblings. mwah! ❤ — Wish me luck. I've "discovered" that there is an asteroid called Shakespeare, and it's currently well placed in my chart. I just came from an audition; I feel really good about it! I'll know the results in late October.

  185. My bf is 1/19 and is extremely aloof a times, so crazy either extremely all in and things going well or then turns polar opposite as if not careing.WTH soooo confusing!!! Hurts! Very new in this relationship and aleady exhausting, but I love and care deeply. Any advice you could give some whom dates this cusp, please let me know? 🙂 He Not much of a goal setting person, BIG time procrastinator(annoying to me) but yet verysmart and successful (go figure)

  186. @Kim…. if you love him accept that that’s just his personality and it has nothing to do with you and be patient with him bc sometimes he don’t even notice neither do he understands…. love him inspite of and he will truly love you back!!!”

  187. I would suggest you try paying closer attention to how he deeply feels about what ever is going on and all into it, he’s probably more sensitive than he shows and when you put yourself ‘all In’ and things don’t folks as you’ve dreamed it can crush you spirit, by maintaining a close a connection with open expression together dreams can turn into a flexible reality that you both achieve… Building that open expression and communication and learning to work together is much harder done than said, possibly engaging in some activities that involve using communicating and team work might be helpful in presenting opportunity..

  188. I am dating a CapAquarian, and he is so confusing and sort of frustrating it led me to a site to (hopefully) figure him out! I am a Virgo, so I am naturally an over-analyzer…which is one of the many reasons why we work so well as a couple. We have known each other for about 1 1/2 years…met through work…and have been in a committed relationship for about 6 months now…but I feel like it’s moving at a snail’s pace…kind of frustrating…also there are a lot of ups and downs and sometimes i end up feeling just flat out confused, or neglected…some days i feel we are so connected and then other days it feels like we’ve only known each other a couple hours…i feel like i’ve made myself slowly more and more vulnerable but it seems like i don’t even know anything deeper than the surface about him…it’s exhausting because i love him so much but at the same time, i hate feeling unsure about his feelings for me. also, he seems to never show jealousy but i can sense he gets jealous pretty often of anything i do…always has been competitive with me, seems to brag about how much money he makes or even little things like when he hangs out with his friends…sometimes he can be the sweetest, most caring person, but piss him off and he can be a DICK. very MEAN. and COLD. i do know he gets bored very easily, with whomever he hangs out with (maybe because he can be boring? think that’s the cap in him) so a part of me is always stressed in the back of my mind thinking he’ll get bored of me and wish to get to know another girl…any advice on how to deal?

  189. Hi Christina,
    I feel for you I have had similar problems in my relationships. The problem you have is neediness, you are very needy and he can sense that. You have to be complete and happy with or without him and love yourself first. Have your standards and know what you want and dont want. Dont put up with anything that you dont want, without fear of loosing him, and without nagging, telling him, accusing him, blaming him or even crying and begging him! Show him with actions, if he is distant, make yourself less available etc. Keep your life busy and interesting and have your boyfriend only adding to it not be the whole of it. This will change your mind set and he will soon wonder about you and he will start feeling unsure. When he realises that you have options and can be happy without him he will make sure to make you happy so YOU choose him. Because YOU are the prize not just his option. Hope that helps. I am capriaquarian by the way. xoxo

  190. Excellent reply, Laura! Thank you from us Doormats, everywhere….. [standing ovation] 😀 (been there, done that, and still learning my way out, as well.)

  191. Brad – I too have walked away from my ego desires, for me it started in late 2010. Dissatisfied with my career despite continued success and recognition – this intense desire for freedom from my drive for success took complete control. I walked away from my career t o be a full time stay at home mom to my little pisces daughter. The freedom is coming, gradually, but I am more optimistic than I have been in a long time. I still suffer from the “numbness” or “grey” some of you mention – I call it the disconnect. I feel I am intellectually present but emotionally void quite often, so I have been working on living more in the moment and focusing on how things make me feel. My daughter helps me with that a lot, though I feel I fail her often because she is so emotionally needy, and I am so detached.

    As for finding the right one, I was so fortunate to cross paths with my husband, a capricorn-aquarius cusp (born on the 26th) early in life. We mesh so well it is scary at times. I feel I am a bit more odd than he is, but perhaps he feels the same (I get the feeling we all feel unusual and misunderstood.)

    On a final note, I have delved into psychology, spirituality, philosophy, and even considered a number of mental disorders without any success in finding answers to why I am the way I am – that is until going deeper into astrology. And the comments on this page finally make me feel like maybe I am not so all alone after all.

  192. Glad I ran across this. Jan 16,84. capricorn horoscopes never have been accurate for me, i deff identify more with my aquarius side. I’m super stubborn,i rebell against authority, flighty, confused about life at times. Every man that I have ever fallen in love/like with has been a gemini, I thought I was bipolar.

  193. 24/jan/96
    This really sums up my entire personality. I love being born on a cusp. 😄

  194. just another question…are CapAquarians good liars? do they lie frequently? i feel like that would go hand in hand with the not trusting personality, and the fact that they are guarded.

  195. Christina, I was born Jan 16, 1985. Im actually a terrible liar when Im joking. The extent of lying that I can do, is by being tactfully honest 99% of the time. Then if I do tell a little fib nobody notices, and its only for a real good reason.

    When I was younger I thought everyone was as honest as I was, so I was taken advantage of many times.

    As far as trusting other people, it is very easy for me to read peoples body language and voice inflection and almost nobody tells the whole truth, and the reasons people say they do things are usually not the actual reason they do things.

  196. Oh, and after reading the responses you got from other people, “women”. As a man, I think they gave terrible advice. It is very easy for me to get cold and not care about someone if they have upset me, parents, brothers, previous girlfriends, current wife. If I get rejected then I return the favor ten times over. The best way my wife cracks my shell and warms our relationship up again is by getting me to talk, not about what she wants to talk about, and not what I think she wants to talk about, but what I need to talk about that is taking my thought.

  197. Wow, very interesting. I guess I’m not technically a cusp since I was born 1/27, but this is me. I have a Capricorn moon and Venus and Descendant. My Mercury is Aqua and Mars is Pisces with a Cancer Ascendant, so basically I’m a mess, lol. I’ve had the numbness so many of you talk about. My childhood wasn’t terrible but not great either. I thought I was in love with an Aries and married him. We are now divorced. Turned out he had a personality disorder which I believe contributed to my numbness. I’m now in my 40s and am much more at ease with all the contridictions. After many years I finally like myself. I feel good in my own skin, and I really think that’s the key. I’ve always been distant and don’t really bond with anyone. I have friends that feel really close to me but in honesty if they weren’t in my life it wouldn’t bother me. That’s sounds very harsh but I have come to realize that those feelings are okay. I am still a kind and helpful person. I’m very unselfish and I’m there for them when they need me. In terms of really loving people I guess my father, daughter, and grandson are the list. I’ve been in a relationship for about a year now with a man who I might be adding. He’s a Scorpio with an Aqua moon and Venus and Mars in Libra. That’s another contridiction to the Aqua description. I have never been attracted to a Libra, Gemini, or another Aqua. I am also not a person who has a large group of friends or needs them. I do have a lot of aquantences but I’m not the social butterfly that most Aquas I know are. As to the question about lying I can only speak for my self but it’s not one of my gifts. I gave it up many years ago as a lost cause, lol. I really don’t have a desire to lie either. I value honesty in myself and others. Most people say I tend to be painfully honest. I am very stuborn and strong willed. I’m not so set in my way that I can’t change my mind if you can present facts that prove me wrong, but that’s not an easy task, lol. In my younger years I was very rebellous and hard headed which I guess is an Aqua trait. All I can say is I am thankful to be the age I am because I feel much more at peace with my contridictary self, lol.

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