Category Archives: Scorpio

Scorpio Compatibilities

SCORPIO is most Compatible with: VIRGO and CAPRICORN
SCORPIO is fairly compatible with: TAURUS, CANCER and PISCES
SCORPIO is least compatible with: LIBRA, SAGITTARIUS, AQUARIUS and LEO

Scorpio Celebrities

Bill Gate - Oct 28

Bill Gate - Oct 28

01. Famous Scorpios

Scorpio – The Scorpion

Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Pluto and symbolized by the Scorpion. Do you know someone who is deep, secretive and reclusive yet open and honest, strangely aloof but at the same time intensely loyal, brooding and mysterious yet straightforward and unusually direct, vengeful yet forgiving, who, in short, seems to be a bundle of opposites all bound up in a deeply perplexing and intriguing personality? That person is probably a Scorpio, but before you start writing off all the Scorpio people you know as contradictory, inconsistent or some kind of absurd radicals, there are certain things you should know about their Plutonian personalities. All their seemingly conflicting qualities are but opposite sides of the same coin, and that coin glows beguilingly under Pluto’s icy-hot intensity. Scorpio is a sign of extremes, and just as dry ice can feel hot to the touch because of its extreme coldness, Scorpios can portray an endless array of seeming opposites which, from a deeper perspective, aren’t really opposite at all. The nature of their ruling planet, Pluto, is to seek out the underlying causes and unifying factors behind appearances. Natives of Scorpio know instinctively that appearances can be deceiving, and they are forever trying to look beneath the surface to discover the essential nature of things.

Theirs is a sign of extremes, and true to their zodiacal heritage, Scorpios may exemplify one of two extremes typified in their Sun sign: the soaring eagle or the avenging serpent. As the soaring eagle, Scorpios can aspire to the heights of human achievement, some even reaching greatness. Music or literature of enduring quality, outstanding achievements in the cultural or performing arts, masterpieces of architectural design, or significant contributions in any of the arts or sciences are testimonials to those individuals who utilized the Plutonian influence in its most exalted form. Some soaring eagles can envision a project of such grand proportions that it may not be realized in their lifetime. The Scorpio native of this type wishes to attain the ideals of truth and excellence as represented in some physical form no matter what the cost or sacrifice, and Pluto gives him the power of will to achieve it.

As avenging serpents, Scorpios exemplify the darker side of their Sun sign. Activities from the more unseemly side of life such as prostitution, pornography, gambling, drugs, loan sharking, and all illicit and underworld activities come under the domain of Pluto-influenced individuals who have given in to their lower natures. Scorpio natives of this type seem always to be flirting with death, as if living on the edge somehow satisfied their need for extremes and intensity of experience. No other sign in the zodiac is capable of greater extremes, having within it the potential for the highest pinnacles of human achievement, or the lowest depths of debauchery. The stereotype of a gangster who has studied classical violin is one example of a fallen eagle whose darker side got the best of him. Most Scorpios will fall somewhere in between these two extremes as the reclusive scorpion, but the potential for either is always there. With these natives it is basically a matter of choice. With their extreme powers of will and concentration, Scorpios can do anything they set their minds to.

Pluto’s intensity is evidenced quite clearly in the physical appearance of Scorpios. The frame of the body can range from thickset to thin and wiry, and it will usually be somewhat compacted, firm and swarthy. Most of them will have powerful physiques, as if their musculature were made of sprung steel. Even the more wiry Scorpios, and there are quite a few, will have a sinewy appearance, suggesting an inner tension or defensiveness. Their air of self control, even superiority, as reflected in their calm, cool composure, belies an inner intensity, as that of a volcano about to erupt. The most noticeable facial feature is the Scorpio’s piercing eyes. They’ll become transfixed, devoid of emotion or weakness, seeming to penetrate to your very soul, bearing its innermost depths. Because of this, many people find it a little more than uncomfortable under a Scorpio’s hypnotic gaze, and for good reason. Those reptilian eyes can be doing a pretty good job of appraising your personality and discovering your best-kept secrets without your uttering a word. As for the rest of the facial characteristics, the forehead and eyebrows are usually heavy, and there may be a hint of the sardonic in the expression. The hair is usually dark and coarse, tending to waviness or curls. The mouth is firm, sometimes suggesting a grimace, and the chin determined. The features in general reflect the qualities of the sign, combining inner strength, willful determination, and an inscrutability of expression.

Scorpios are more mystical then they would have you believe. These natives seem to have a distinct ability for perceiving the truth beyond what their physical senses tell them. you wouldn’t necessarily call them psychic, although many of them are extremely gifted in this respect, but they’ll see through your deception or pretenses every time. Your little white lies won’t hold water in a Scorpio’s company. Rather than call you on your foibles, he’ll probably walk away, leaving your falsehood to the bafflement of less perceptive signs. A Scorpio can do that quite easily. He’ll simply write you out of his circle of close associates, or out of his life permanently if you’ve irritated him enough, and never look back. November-born have a passion for the truth, and they won’t stand to have it maligned by ulterior motives or ego, at least not in their presence. If you’re lucky enough have a Scorpio as a friend, you can consider yourself in a special class of people. Though he may not have many friends, the ones he does have are true and loyal, like himself. He’ll risk much for those he considers worthy of friendship, but cares little or nothing for those he considers lower than himself. Some call it selfishness, but in reality it’s selectivity.

Either you’ll love Pluto people or you’ll hate them, and these natives wouldn’t have it any other way. They can’t abide those who only want to commit themselves halfheartedly, or who ride the fence as opportunists, hypocritically embracing affiliations which give them the greatest personal advantage. These will be effectively removed from the Scorpio’s social sphere, and the Pluto native himself may add a few well-chosen derisive remarks in the process to permanently sever the tie. If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a Scorpio’s scorn, you know how effectively and in so few words he can cut you to the quick. A Scorpio who’s been wronged can be a worse-than-vicious adversary. Trample on his petunias, and he’ll throw weed killer on your whole crop of tulips and maybe even your chrysanthemums as well. Embarrass him at a party, and he’ll take out an ad in the local newspaper intimating your darkest secrets. In vengeance, he’ll not be content in merely settling the score, but in devastating you so completely that there will be no possibility of future reprisals.

The Scorpio passion is legendary, and you won’t find many Pluto people who don’t bear out this aspect of their personality in more ways than one. They’ll pursue everything with an all-consuming passion– their religion, politics, philosophy, work, good food, hobbies, recreation, not to mention love and romance. The very mention of this Sun sign can conjure up in people’s minds visions of steamy boudoirs, clandestine rendezvous, and sex-filled weekends in the mountains, and they might not be far from the truth. Scorpios have been known to outdo other signs in the love department, at least in its physical aspects; it is their love of extremes which drives them to the very depths of human passion. An account of the typical male Scorpio’s escapades can read like something out of a James Bond movie. The females will show no less prowess, instinctively knowing the subtle secrets of male seduction embodied in their sex. Both sexes will have their share of experiences, but once they’ve committed themselves to a partner and finally settle down, they can be quite faithful. They’re loyal, remember, and this aspect of their personality doesn’t stop short of marriage.

The average Scorpio isn’t long on conversation. If you happen to catch him on the telephone, it’s not likely he’ll be doing most of the talking. His fragmented phone rhetoric might go something like “yea…yea…nope… okay…bye,” and you’ll have no idea what the conversation was about. He’s not likely to tell you either. It isn’t that natives of this sign are particularly unsociable (though you will find one or two who tend to stay by themselves); it’s just that they don’t see the need to indulge in idle conversation, even for social reasons. Unless a Scorpio feels that what he’s saying is truly important, his end of the conversation may amount to little more than monosyllables politely interjected among your many comments. This trait of Scorpios can get pretty frustrating, especially to the more talkative signs, and pulling teeth can seem like an easy task compared to getting these natives to talk. Before you think about actually using that tooth extractor, however, try changing the drift of the conversation to religion, philosophy, sex, reincarnation or the ancient mysteries of life, and you may be surprised at the transformation that takes place. The Scorpio will go on talking for hours if he thinks you’re interested, and you’ll discover what deep minds November-born can possess, capable of probing the unfathomable depths of consciousness and discovering the great truths therein.

If a Scorpio comes down with the flu, chances are he won’t stay sick too long. November-born have almost mystical powers of healing, and they’ll seem to get over illnesses in a much shorter time than other signs. Their recuperative powers, however, are not without price, and violent fevers, boils or blisters, involuntary tremors, or profuse sweating may precipitate the cure. If they stay sick longer than a short time, it is usually serious, and probably of some degenerative illness brought on by excesses or bitterness. Even then, if the Pluto native can learn the lessons of forgiveness, repentance, and Divine Love, he can almost literally bring himself back from the dead. Scorpio is often symbolized by the phoenix rising triumphantly from its own ashes, to begin a new life cycle. The recuperative powers of these natives can be that strong. Scorpios may also extend their healing ability to others, and many of them are active in one of the healing arts. Medical men, especially surgeons, holistic healers, spiritual healers, acupuncturists and psychic healers all have the ability of tapping into the regenerative power of Pluto to work their healing miracles. Ultimately, Scorpios realize that all healing comes from a divine source, which is why this Sun sign is often associated with the priest or priestess. Through their directive power of will, November-born can be effective channels of healing, not only of body but of mind and spirit also.


About Scorpio

REPRESENTED BY: The Scorpion, The Eagle and The Phoenix

01. Scorpio sign reflects emotions that reach from hell to heaven. Scorpio represents a broad span of transformative emotions generated by its ability to rise through the essence of these symbols.

02. The eighth sign of the zodiac is concerned with: birth, life, death, sensuality, passion, pushing boundaries of discovery, regeneration, transformation, metamorphosis, finance, investments, wills, inheritance, hidden matters, secrets, taboos, magic, collective unconscious, defense systems, social revolution, reformation, change.

Scorpio: Oct 23-Nov 22

Associated with: Intensity, Passion and Power

Libra/Scorpio Cusp: Oct 16-26
Scorpio/Sagittarius Cusp: Nov 16-26
Basic Trait: I Create
House: 8th House (Death and Rebirth)
Symbols: Scorpion, Eagle and Phoenix
Element: Water
Mode Quality: Fixed
Energy: Negative (Introverted)
Season: Fall
Rulers: Mars and Pluto
Colors: Burgundy, Black
Gemstones: Topaz
Anatomy: Genitals, Urinary, Reproductive System

01. Scorpios are seductive and attractive, commanding and intense.
02. The sign of rebirth and regeneration.
03. Intensity, extreme

01. Trust me – You don’t really want to know my secrets!

01. Strategist
02. They always like to be ahead of the mind games. Always.
03. Your Best Friend or your Worse Enemy
04. Be careful they hold grudges
05. Problems with letting things go


Passion, power, strategist, complex, analytical, focused, determined, hypnotic, magnetic, self-contained, loyal, passionate, resourceful, observant, dynamic, intense, powerful, strong-willed, forceful, bold, courageous, enduring, competitive, researcher, secretive, mysterious, penetrating, psychic, self-reliant, and somewhat introverted or closed, motivated, investigative, aware.

Extreme, jealousy, possessiveness, stubbornness, cruelty, obsessive, suspicious, manipulative, unyielding, abuse of power, the darker side of magic, fanatic, destructive, self serving


01. Scorpio Characteristics
02. About the Zodiac Sign – Scorpio
03. Scorpio in a Nutshell
04. Libra/Scorpio Cusp
05. Scorpio/Sagittarius Cusp
06. Scorpio and Independence
07. Scorpio and Friendship
08. Scorpio and Business
09. Scorpio and Temperament

10. Scorpio Deep Inside
11. About Scorpio
12. How to Attract and Deal with Scorpio
13. Scorpio Man
14. Scorpio Woman
15. Scorpio Child

16. Sun in Scorpio with the 12 Moon Signs Combinations
17. Sun in Scorpio with the 12 Rising Signs Combinations
18. Scorpio Rising

19. Moon in Scorpio


01. Astroevolution
02. Scorpio Sign Traits

Scorpio Child

Oct 23 – Nov 22

A Scorpio child will usually have a stronger body than the rest of the kids. It is just perfect to support his much stronger will. He will never play or compete just for the heck of it. The aim of winning is always the main reason for it and he will never compromise on this front. He may give in at one point of time, to find some other way through which his victory will be assured. A Scorpio baby has a very hypnotic gaze, under which most of the people feel uncomfortable. So, it is better if you prepare yourself to outstare him every time.

You will have to make him understand that you are the boss of the house and he has to accept the rules you have made. Say it softly but firmly, while staring him down. He will need to be constantly disciplined. You will have to teach him to be considerate towards the weak, inculcate sportsmanship, respect authority and learn to forgive those who hurt him. As per their characteristics profile, Scorpio children are sharp, brave, honest and tend to attract people with their magnetic personality. However, you need to teach them humility before it’s too late.

When your Scorpio baby does something wrong, don’t shout at him. Learn to say ‘No’ in a kind, but unyielding manner. Show him that you are stronger than him and only then, will he learn from you. While disciplining him, don’t forget to give him love and affection. Just like the other kids, he also needs constant cuddling and pampering. If you fail to do this, he may become too nervous, fearful and fidgety, which is completely opposite to his natural self. His honesty may make him a little blunt and direct and you will need to teach him to sheath his sharp tongue.

A Scorpio child has his own secrets and he won’t like you prying around them. He will seldom tell his own feeling, but you will find it almost impossible to do the same with him. He has the ability to sense when something is wrong. You will get bear hugs and tender touches from him when something is troubling you, even though you may have not told him the problem. He can just feel it. One of the basic personality traits of a Scorpio baby is loyalty and dedication, towards family as well as close friends.

He has an angry side and whoever dares step on his tail, remembers not to do it again in their whole lifetime. You will have to teach him that revenge and grudge is not good. He will always be leading, whether in academics or sports or extra-curricular activities. He will always be full of energy and you will have to keep him involved mentally and active physically. Scorpio children tend to see unusual dreams and it is advisable to encourage them. You never know when he might become the next ‘Robert Kennedy’.

He knows what he is and what he wants and it is better not to impose your will on him. Though he looks placid on the outside, inside he is brimming with passions and emotions. A Scorpio child needs a congenial home atmosphere, or he might lose his usually calm self. Don’t scold him without a reason and don’t stop him from doing anything without giving him a logical reason. He has a fascination for dangerous things like fire, drugs, etc. So, it’s better to keep them away from his reach.

Scorpio baby is as much interested in unusual and mystic stuff as in the opposite sex. He may wink at the neighborhood girl when he has just started walking. Romance is in his blood and you will never be able to prevent him from falling in love. Still, you need to make him cautious in this area, so as to prevent heartbreaks that can affect him deeply. He will give his best in whatever he does and has determination to get what he wants. At the same time, he needs your love and support. Just be there when he needs you and teach him how to love and be loved. He will always come back to you to make sure that you are still there for him!


Scorpio Woman

Oct 23 – Nov 22

Nov 19, 1961

Meg Ryan: Nov 19, 1961

The beauty of a Scorpio woman is exceptional, mysterious and totally magnetic. She knows that and is proud of herself. She will control her wish to dominate and will let a man lead in a relationship, atleast during courtship. She knows how to hypnotize a man and gets successful, more often than not. Don’t expect a Scorpio female to rush into your arms in front of a thousand people and shout her feelings at the top of her voice. Instead, she will come close to you, glance at you in a sensual way and whisper the most romantic words in a seductive tone.

If you are not sincere with your feelings, don’t even try to get close to a Scorpio girl. With those beautiful, penetrating eyes of hers, she can read exactly what is on your mind. She can easily make out your real intentions, so Don’t Flirt. It will amount to insulting her and I assure you, insulting her is not at all good for your health. Even when her tone is soothing, her disposition kind and her smile generous, she can be planning the most powerful retaliation. When a Scorpio woman is insulted or gets hurt, her fury knows no bounds.

Then, she can become the most hard-hearted and most sarcastic person on this earth. If she loves with fierce devotion, she hates with devastating malice. If you are really in love with her, then you need to know more about her. She has a very hypnotic gaze and the moment her eyes meet your, you will go tumbling down in her deep passion. Being noticed by a Scorpio female definitely gives a boost to a man’s ego. She needs a man who is stronger than she is and weakness in him won’t get her sympathy at all.

He will be expected to behave like a real man, who can dominate her and make her proud. At the same time, he should respect her individuality. He should be better looking than average, with an intellect, philosophical and totally masculine. He must also be ambitious and able to handle tough situation with poise. After she gets committed, a Scorpio female will shower you with all her love and attention. Her whole life will start revolving around you and she will be extremely loyal and exceedingly passionate.

She is passionate with everything that is related to her. It is almost impossible for her to have neutral

Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway: Nov 12, 1982

feelings. Either she will deeply cherish or fiercely hate. If any of the feelings are not experienced, she will become completely indifferent towards it. Scorpio women, however, never let these feelings show. Her expression will always remain neutral, betraying nothing. Her anger is very bad and it’s better to get out of her way when it gets out of hand. Her characteristics profile will make her storehouse of secrets, but people wouldn’t know any of hers.

Her personal life will be out of bounds for everyone. At the same time, she will never tell the secrets that have been confided in her, not even to you. Even with you, she will have a private part and its better not to pry. That does not mean she is dishonest. In fact, she will be so brutally honest that, at times, she may hurt people in the process. Like a typical Scorpio, she will choose her friends very carefully and the credible ones will remain with her throughout her life. She will never maintain a relationship with unworthy people.

Determination and will power are her basic personality traits. She can use them anytime to come out of anything that is negative. If you have been able to win the true love of a Scorpio female, you can be sure you will never feel lonely again. She will be totally devoted to you and even if you two don’t get married for any reasons beyond your control, her love for you will not change. She is one of those who believe in the phrase ‘Till Death Do Us Apart’. Rather than overshadowing her husband, she believes in supporting him.

‘Behind every successful man, there is a woman’; this idiom is perfect in case of the husband who has a Scorpio wife. For her, the future, the happiness and the dreams of her husband hold the supreme importance. She will always defend him fiercely in public and won’t take nicely to anyone taking advantage of him. She will always encourage him to reach for the stars, build his courage and never let him turn back from midway. Scorpio women love their homes and keep them spic and span.

Now comes the dangerous part. A Scorpio girl is extremely jealous and fiercely possessive of her loved ones. She is prone to suspicions; so don’t give reasons to be doubtful of you. On the other hand, you will have to control your jealousy, since she will be attracting a lot of members of the opposite sex. She also dislikes being possessed by anyone, including you. In such a scenario, just remember that a Scorpio woman will always be loyal and devoted to you, even in the worst of circumstances.

And then, you know you cannot leave her and it is better to adjust to such a trifle thing. Nobody walks away from a Scorpio, right? As far as money is concerned, she will enjoy it whether she saves it in a piggy bank or splurges it on luxurious things. She is very conscious of her social standards and will never compromise in case of status. She likes power and will sacrifice money and many other things for it. She seems to be very practical, but inside she is very emotional. Like all Scorpios, she will not see any viewpoint in case of her own emotions.

Nov 8, 1975

Tara Reid: Nov 8, 1975

A Scorpio female has a sense of fairness and justice. If you don’t wish her good morning one day after a fight, she will do the same for the next four days. The same goes for generosity also. If you do one kind deed for her, she will do four in return. As a mother, she will extremely possessive of her children and will care for them. However, she may not express her love openly and this is something you will have to teach her. She will make them independent, fair, strong and proud of themselves, the way she is of them. She will encourage them to develop their innate talents and make sure they don’t go unnoticed.

A Scorpio woman can drown you in her passion. But then, she can also bring you to safety when the raft becomes too dicey. She can provide you her calm and steady support in the worst of circumstances. Once you win her love, you will never be lonely again. Your food will be perfectly baked and she will grind fresh coffee for you. You will always come back to a spotless home, radiating with the aura of her magnetic personality, the charm of her deep beauty and the warmth of her everlasting love!


Scorpio Man

October 23 – Nov 22

Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds: Oct 23, 1976

When you talk about a Scorpio, one of the basic personality traits that come to your mind is passion. The same goes for a Scorpio man too. He is intensely passionate about everything around him, including love. If you look at the surface, he will look totally calm and composed. Just look beneath that outer layer of his and you will find his smoldering passion. In case you are scared of getting burnt, better put your jogging shoes and run away. Don’t mess with a Scorpio man unless and until you are sure that this is the man you want.

If you manage to go close to him, you will be rewarded with a warm fire that will ensure you are never left cold again. Once you have glanced into the piercing, hypnotic eyes of a Scorpio male, you will never again be totally neutral towards him. His characteristics profile is an odd mix of intellect, philosophy, emotions and passion. He loves luxury and tends to indulge in excesses, in case of food, drinks and love. So, you saw that – love! Yes, it’s true. Scorpio men are the most passionate about love and romance.

They never get caught in it unawares. They know about it since the time they learned how to talk. Even the most innocent looking Scorpio man will always be filled with passion inside. Never ever arouse his temper. A furious Scorpio man can give you lifetime-lasting scars, especially when he is hurt. He has to win in each and every aspect of life and failure breaks something inside him. Yet, he will display perfect sportsmanship and never even let you that defeat has bothered him.

Most probably, a Scorpio guy will keep a girl tortured before proposing her. If you are involved with such a

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey: Nov 4, 1969

man, better ensure that your reputation is spotless. He will never ever go in for a girl who is ludicrous or shameless. Gossip seldom interests him and he is hardly bothered by other people’s opinions. He knows what he is and what they say or think will hardly make a difference. Forget strangers, even the views of his friends or relatives do not matter. He is one of those who will marry you even if the entire world is against you.

Once he has become close to you and formed an opinion about you, no one in the world can sway him. Honesty, sincerity, guts and reliability are ingrained in a Scorpio male. He never indulges in self-pity and envying someone is beyond him. Who could be better than a Scorpio? If you want to get involved with a Scorpio guy, better have some courage in yourself too. If you are planning on enticing him with that feminine mystery, it’s definite that he will get attracted towards you. Then, prepare yourself to be ripped off that mystery.

He loves to solve mystery and you will be probed deeper and deeper till all the secrets have come out. He is very choosy with friends, so you can imagine what he will do in case of a lover. It will be like going through an X-ray machine. Once he has made up his mind that you are the one, he will drown you in his passion. He is combination of a caveman and a sophisticated prince. One thing that you will have to get used to, with a Scorpio man is that he will never display his emotions in public. Infact, he may even make fun of you in front of everyone.

Nov 12, 1980

Ryan Gosling: Nov 12, 1980

You will be fuming, right? This was expected. But, when you are alone, he will whisper such sweet nothings in your ear that you will fall in love with him again. If you have some doubts about your looks, don’t ask him. He will give his honest opinion. He will never say you are looking like a princess, when you are looking like a slob. Yet, when he gives you a compliment, you can be sure it’s coming from the heart. If he says, “You are looking like Miss Universe”, just rush and fill the form for that beauty pageant before the deadline runs out.

Scorpio men are jealous and possessive to the extreme. Don’t even think of teasing him with another man. He will erupt like a volcano and your male friend may end up in the hospital. On the other hand, you may get plenty of reasons to be jealous. There is hardly any person on this earth who can resist the magnetic personality of a Scorpio. Always remember that the term loyalty is synonymous with Scorpio and how much he charms the other women, he will remain dedicated to you.

As a father, Scorpio man will demand discipline, respect for elders and independence from his children. You may have to teach him how to display his emotions and be tender towards them. In this case also, act with tact and diplomacy. Never try to dictate him about how he should behave with his children. After reading this, are you wondering whether you should think about the whole relationship again. Take my word, nobody can resist a Scorpio male and you are also one such person.

Once he has made up his mind that you are the one for him, he will charm you out of your senses. You will be hypnotized by his captivating and intense gaze and won’t get the time to escape. If you have the courage and patience, his touch will be as cool as ice and his passion as hot as molten lava. He will take you along with him and you will see the world like never before. If you manage to understand him, he will become the most kind, considerate, loving and selfless man in this world. You will have a husband most women only dream about!


Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp – November 16 – 26

Characteristics: Sagittarius Cusp

01. Scorpio/Sagittarius cusps seek the truth and the meaning of life, and they love to explore through knowledge. They are investigative and probing, often strongly intuitive and penetrating.

02. Scorpio/Sagittarius cusps are very determined, and once they’ve made up their minds, they are unlikely to change them.

03. Expressing the fixed quality of Scorpio, they tend to be stubborn, refusing to give up when others have long since become bored and abandoned a project, and they get things done when no one else thought it possible.

04. Scorpio/Sagittarius people are likely to remain true to their opinions and judgments once they have settled on them, they are not necessarily fixed or opinionated. They have no set plan or bias but seek to learn new ideas as they come. In this way, the mutable quality of Sagittarius is exemplified. They desire the freedom to do what they want when they want, and they tend to be impulsive and independent.

05. Scorpio/Sagittarius people tend to be concerned with deeper and focused learning. They are versatile and progressive, but at times they can be impatient and pushy if something isn’t getting done the way they want.

06. Those who wish to change a Scorpio/Sagittarius mind often have trouble because they can never be sure what their motivation is; they are too complex and sometimes too secretive to be understood easily.

07. Scorpio/Sagittarians are interested in thought and outreach. They are intensely powerful, good-humored and generous.

08. They are eager and inspirational; they are about action and getting things started, but they can also seem irresponsible or tactless if they jump in too quickly.

09. They want to experience life, rather than read about it, and they are outgoing and friendly.

10. Scorpio/Sagittarians are motivated and loyal, but they are often misunderstood, and others may see them as dictatorial or sarcastic.

11. They are broad-minded and enthusiastic, but they may sometimes seem to have foot-in-mouth disease, as they may talk too much or speak before thinking.

12. Scorpio/Sagittarians are both mystical and scientific, a combination that makes them very aware of what is happening around them; they are a sign of great depth. Many enjoy travel and spiritual study and have daring and adventurous spirits.

13. Their suspicion and jealousy can pull them down, but their passion and awareness can help them rise above this.

14. Many are natural comedians, sometimes exaggerating their adventures to entertain others.

15. Their innate self-confidence may make them argumentative or blunt, but their intention is to learn, not to offend.

16. They are high-spirited and enthusiastic, often flirtatious, and they tend to enjoy social life immensely.

17. Scorpio/Sagittarians enjoy competition and challenge. They aren’t satisfied with moving along at half speed or lowering their abilities to let those with lesser skills beat them.

18. They tend to be lucky and may enjoy gambling.

19. Their philosophical side makes them enjoy drama and debate, as well as most other mentally challenging pursuits.

20. Scorpio/Sagittarians are flirtatious, playful, caring and possessive.

21. They refuse to allow boredom to turn them away from projects, and they are committed to accomplishing what they set out to do.

22. Their great love of knowledge and exploration makes them one of the most learned characters of the zodiac.


Mutable fire and fixed water in most cases dampens the fire of Sagittarius and causes your exuberance of Sagittarius “hail fellow well met,” “foot in mouth disease” so well known to Sag, “easy come easy go.” Under these circumstances, you would hardly recognize this person as a Sag. There is tremendous depth to this cusp with only a minimum of expression. Strangely enough you need a bridge of communication. Some of you may feel that the silent majority must agree with you but prefer not to talk about it as you do. You need some air to express your fire. In this case, the fixed water is a little disturbed by the Sag desire for open spaces with people. Scorpio will allow freedom if it isn’t too unstructured. I suspect that most of you just dream about what you could do if you just had the courage of your convictions. Which is true. If your Sag is strong enough to break through the fixity of Scorpio you could find yourself on an unbeatable team. More planets in Sag than Scorpio could even out this balance to advantage. Part of the problem is getting just the proper amount of stimulation and encouragement from others. Creative gifts, divine humor and sincere faith are possibilities. If you are able to free the Sag need to express itself without pressure from Scorpio to be defensive about what is known but not understood by others. It all depends on how well you are able to deal with those less competent than you. Once you learn to be patient with those much less competent without being judgmental and are able to learn from the least competent, you gain tremendous stature in you environment. Sainthood is a possibility.


Libra-Scorpio Cusp – October 16 – 26

Characteristics: Scorpio Cusp

01. Libra/Scorpios strive to create balance and harmony between self and other through investigation and probing.

02. They are often strongly intuitive and penetrating. They have a need to be liked.

03. Libra/Scorpios are diplomatic and cooperative; they are skilled at initiating group projects. They can be stubborn, refusing to give up when others have long since become bored and abandoned a project.

04. Libra/Scorpios get things done when no one else thought it possible. In this way, the fixed quality of Scorpio is expressed.

05. When Libra/Scorpios set goals for themselves, they are determined to succeed. They have their own agenda and work to achieve their desires.

06. Cultural awareness and a talkative nature help them shine in the social situations they so enjoy.

07. Libra/Scorpios are skilled at communication and abstract reasoning, and their intelligence combines with their interest in others to become an intellectual exploration of those around them.

08. They may repress their emotions, but underneath they are lusty and perceptive.

09. Libra/Scorpios are motivated and loyal, but they are often misunderstood and may be seen as dictatorial or sarcastic. If they have an ulterior motive, they can be overbearing, but in a subtle, sly or manipulative way.

10. Libra/Scorpios are both mystical and scientific, a combination that makes them very aware of what is happening around them; they are a sign of great depth. If they aren’t careful, though, their passionate nature may lead them into self-indulgence or compulsion.

11. Libra/Scorpio-born is in their drive for peace and harmony and their determination to see things through to the end. Their skill at seeing all sides of a situation with great passion and strength makes them one of the most powerful characters of the zodiac.


Cardinal air and fixed water, fall moving into winter. Most of my references call this an extremist combination. I can’t quite see that. Both of these signs are focused on relationships. Scorpio insists on being in charge, making decisions and hardly conscious of even asking what the other party would like.
Scorpio thinks it knows. If not, they will research to find out what can be credible. Libra wants someone to make the decisions but isn’t attracted to not
being asked to discuss the situation, even though no amount of discussion will be enough to be sure. Scorpio is not able to stand the indecision. No matter what Scorpio decides, Libra will be aware of what is wrong with the decision.
Those of you having this conflict going on within yourself have a real problem. You do not have the luxury of living with the pros & cons until someone else makes the decision. You feel compelled to make the decision and then you have no one to blame but yourself when the negativities come in. Even if everyone else is happy with whatever you decided, you are still uncomfortable with what you see isn’t quite the way you would like it. Both of these signs are mentally oriented. It is the method that seems to be incompatible. Libra wants someone on the other side of the teeter totter to bounce back and forth with. Scorpio wants to research quietly and come up with a decision without discussing it until the mind is made up. “Please don’t confuse me with any more facts!” Furthermore, no explanation is necessary, especially if it is subjected to further consideration. If you as an individual are able to use both of these avenues to come to a decision without second guessing yourself all the time, you will have made a better decision. Your main problem will be letting alone the way you put it together. You will need to let go which is actually difficult for both of these signs. Scorpio hangs on because of the fixity which defends whatever it has implemented. Libra has a problem with letting go because of the embarrassment of presenting something that was less than perfect.
